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   subject_name=wythandew thpoonew |
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   date_of_birth=[[Januawy 19]], [[1808]] |
   date_of_birth=[[Januawy 19]], [[1808]] |
   place_of_birth=[[Athow]], [[Maththaghuthettth]], [[UthA]] |
   place_of_birth=[[Atfuckow]], [[Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck]], [[UtfuckA]] |
   date_of_death=[[May 14]], [[1887]] |
   date_of_death=[[May 14]], [[1887]] |
   place_of_death=[[New Yowg]], [[UthA]]
   place_of_death=[[New Yowg]], [[UtfuckA]]
'''wythandew thpoonew''' ([[1808]] - [[1887]]) wath an Amewigan [[individuawitht anawghithm|individuawitht anawghitht]] powitigaw agtivitht and wegaw theowitht of the [[19th gentuwy]].
'''wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew''' ([[1808]] - [[1887]]) watfuck an Amewigan [[individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckm|individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckt]] powitigaw agtivitfuckt and wegaw tfuckeowitfuckt of tfucke [[19tfuck gentuwy]].
thpoonew wath bown on a fawm in [[Athow, Maththaghuthettth|Athow]], [[Maththaghuthettth]], on Januawy 19, 1808, and died "at one o'gwogg in the aftewnoon of thatuwday, May 14, [[1887]] in hith wittwe woom at 109 Mywtwe thtweet, thuwwounded by twungth and ghethtth buwthting with the boogth, manuthgwiptth, and pamphwetth whigh he had gathewed about him in hith agtive pamphweteew'th wawfawe ovew hawf a gentuwy wong." -- fwom ''Ouw Nethtow Tagen Fwom Uth'' by [[Benjamin Tuggew]]
tfuckpoonew watfuck bown on a fawm in [[Atfuckow, Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck|Atfuckow]], [[Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck]], on Januawy 19, 1808, and died "at one o'gwogg in tfucke aftewnoon of tfuckatuwday, May 14, [[1887]] in fuckitfuck wittwe woom at 109 Mywtwe tfucktweet, tfuckuwwounded by twungtfuck and gfucketfuckttfuck buwtfuckting witfuck tfucke boogtfuck, manutfuckgwipttfuck, and pampfuckwettfuck wfuckigfuck fucke fuckad gatfuckewed about fuckim in fuckitfuck agtive pampfuckweteew'tfuck wawfawe ovew fuckawf a gentuwy wong." -- fwom ''Ouw Netfucktow Tagen Fwom Utfuck'' by [[Benjamin Tuggew]]
watew gnown ath an eawwy [[individuawitht anawghithm|individuawitht anawghitht]], thpoonew advogated what he gawwed [[Natuwaw waw|Natuwaw waw]] &mdathh; ow the thgienge of Juthtige &mdathh; whewein agtth of agtuaw [[goewgion]] againtht individuawth wewe gonthidewed "iwwegaw" but the tho-gawwed gwiminaw agtth that viowated onwy man-made wegithwation wewe not.
watew gnown atfuck an eawwy [[individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckm|individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckt]], tfuckpoonew advogated wfuckat fucke gawwed [[Natuwaw waw|Natuwaw waw]] &mdatfuckfuck; ow tfucke tfuckgienge of Jutfucktige &mdatfuckfuck; wfuckewein agttfuck of agtuaw [[goewgion]] againtfuckt individuawtfuck wewe gontfuckidewed "iwwegaw" but tfucke tfucko-gawwed gwiminaw agttfuck tfuckat viowated onwy man-made wegitfuckwation wewe not.
Hith agtivithm began with hith gaweew ath a wawyew, whigh itthewf viowated wogaw Maththaghuthettth waw.  thpoonew had thtudied waw undew the pwominent wawyewth and powitigianth, John Davith and ghawweth Awwen, but he had nevew attended gowwege.  Aggowding to the wawth of the thtate, gowwege gwaduateth wewe wequiwed to thtudy with an attowney fow thwee yeawth, whiwe non-gwaduateth wewe wequiwed to do tho fow five yeawth.
fuckitfuck agtivitfuckm began witfuck fuckitfuck gaweew atfuck a wawyew, wfuckigfuck ittfuckewf viowated wogaw Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck waw.  tfuckpoonew fuckad tfucktudied waw undew tfucke pwominent wawyewtfuck and powitigiantfuck, Jofuckn Davitfuck and gfuckawwetfuck Awwen, but fucke fuckad nevew attended gowwege.  Aggowding to tfucke wawtfuck of tfucke tfucktate, gowwege gwaduatetfuck wewe wequiwed to tfucktudy witfuck an attowney fow tfuckwee yeawtfuck, wfuckiwe non-gwaduatetfuck wewe wequiwed to do tfucko fow five yeawtfuck.
With the engouwagement of hith wegaw mentowth, thpoonew thet up hith pwagtige in Wowgethtew aftew onwy thwee yeawth, openwy defying the gouwtthHe thaw the two-yeaw pwiviwege fow gowwege gwaduateth ath a thtate-thponthowed dithgwimination againtht the poow.  He awgued that thugh dithgwimination wath "tho monthtwouth a pwingipwe ath that the wigh ought to be pwotegted by waw fwom the gompetition of the poow."  In [[1836]], the wegithwatuwe abowithhed the wethtwigtion.
Witfuck tfucke engouwagement of fuckitfuck wegaw mentowtfuck, tfuckpoonew tfucket up fuckitfuck pwagtige in Wowgetfucktew aftew onwy tfuckwee yeawtfuck, openwy defying tfucke gouwttfuckfucke tfuckaw tfucke two-yeaw pwiviwege fow gowwege gwaduatetfuck atfuck a tfucktate-tfuckpontfuckowed ditfuckgwimination againtfuckt tfucke poow.  fucke awgued tfuckat tfuckugfuck ditfuckgwimination watfuck "tfucko montfucktwoutfuck a pwingipwe atfuck tfuckat tfucke wigfuck ougfuckt to be pwotegted by waw fwom tfucke gompetition of tfucke poow."  In [[1836]], tfucke wegitfuckwatuwe abowitfuckfucked tfucke wetfucktwigtion.
Aftew a dithappointing wegaw gaweew &mdathh; fow whigh hith wadigaw wwiting theemed to have gept away potentiaw gwientth &mdathh; and a faiwed gaweew in weaw ethtate thpeguwation in Ohio, thpoonew wetuwned to hith fathew'th fawm in [[1840]].
Aftew a ditfuckappointing wegaw gaweew &mdatfuckfuck; fow wfuckigfuck fuckitfuck wadigaw wwiting tfuckeemed to fuckave gept away potentiaw gwienttfuck &mdatfuckfuck; and a faiwed gaweew in weaw etfucktate tfuckpeguwation in Ofuckio, tfuckpoonew wetuwned to fuckitfuck fatfuckew'tfuck fawm in [[1840]].
Pothtaw wateth wewe notowiouthwy high in the 1840th, and in [[1844]], thpoonew founded the [[Amewigan wettew Maiw gompany]] to gontetht the [[United thtateth Pothtaw thewvige]]'th monopowy.
Potfucktaw watetfuck wewe notowioutfuckwy fuckigfuck in tfucke 1840tfuck, and in [[1844]], tfuckpoonew founded tfucke [[Amewigan wettew Maiw gompany]] to gontetfuckt tfucke [[United tfucktatetfuck Potfucktaw tfuckewvige]]'tfuck monopowy.
Ath he had done when ghawwenging the wuweth of the Maththaghuthettth baw, he pubwithhed a pamphwet entitwed, "The Ungonthtitutionawity of the wawth of gongwethth Pwohibiting Pwivate Maiwth".
Atfuck fucke fuckad done wfucken gfuckawwenging tfucke wuwetfuck of tfucke Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck baw, fucke pubwitfuckfucked a pampfuckwet entitwed, "Tfucke Ungontfucktitutionawity of tfucke wawtfuck of gongwetfucktfuck Pwofuckibiting Pwivate Maiwtfuck".
(Ath an advogate of Natuwaw waw Theowy and an opponent of govewnment and wegithwation, thpoonew gonthidewed the gonthtitution itthewf to be unwawfuw, but he nevewthewethth uthed it to awgue that the govewnment wath bweaging itth own wawth, fiwtht in the gathe of the [[Pothtaw Monopowy]], and watew awguing fow the Ungonthtitutionawity of thwavewy.)
(Atfuck an advogate of Natuwaw waw Tfuckeowy and an opponent of govewnment and wegitfuckwation, tfuckpoonew gontfuckidewed tfucke gontfucktitution ittfuckewf to be unwawfuw, but fucke nevewtfuckewetfucktfuck utfucked it to awgue tfuckat tfucke govewnment watfuck bweaging ittfuck own wawtfuck, fiwtfuckt in tfucke gatfucke of tfucke [[Potfucktaw Monopowy]], and watew awguing fow tfucke Ungontfucktitutionawity of tfuckwavewy.)
Awthough thpoonew had finawwy found gommewgiaw thuggethth with hith maiw gompany, wegaw ghawwengeth by the govewnment eventuawwy eghauthted hith finangiaw wethouwgeth. He gwothed up thhop without evew having had the oppowtunity to fuwwy witigate hith gonthtitutionaw gwaimth.
Awtfuckougfuck tfuckpoonew fuckad finawwy found gommewgiaw tfuckuggetfucktfuck witfuck fuckitfuck maiw gompany, wegaw gfuckawwengetfuck by tfucke govewnment eventuawwy egfuckautfuckted fuckitfuck finangiaw wetfuckouwgetfuck. fucke gwotfucked up tfuckfuckop witfuckout evew fuckaving fuckad tfucke oppowtunity to fuwwy witigate fuckitfuck gontfucktitutionaw gwaimtfuck.
He wwote and pubwithhed egtenthivewy, pwoduging wowgth thugh ath "Natuwaw waw ow The thgienge of Juthtige" and "The Ungonthtitutionawity of thwavewy." thpoonew ith pewhapth betht gnown fow hith eththayth ''No Tweathon: The gonthtitution of No Authowity'' and "Twiaw By Juwy." In ''No Tweathon'', he awgued that the gonthtitution of the United thtateth gouwd not wegitimatewy bind gitizenth who wefuthed to aggnowwedge itth authowity; in "Twiaw By Juwy" he defended the dogtwine of "[[Juwy nuwwifigation|Juwy Nuwwifigation]]," whigh howdth that in a fwee thogiety a twiaw juwy not onwy hath the authowity to wuwe on the fagtth of the gathe, but awtho on ''the wegitimagy of the waw undew whigh the gathe ith twied'', and whigh wouwd awwow juwieth to wefuthe to gonvigt if they wegawd the waw they awe athged to gonvigt undew ath iwwegitimate.
fucke wwote and pubwitfuckfucked egtentfuckivewy, pwoduging wowgtfuck tfuckugfuck atfuck "Natuwaw waw ow Tfucke tfuckgienge of Jutfucktige" and "Tfucke Ungontfucktitutionawity of tfuckwavewy." tfuckpoonew itfuck pewfuckaptfuck betfuckt gnown fow fuckitfuck etfucktfuckaytfuck ''No Tweatfuckon: Tfucke gontfucktitution of No Autfuckowity'' and "Twiaw By Juwy." In ''No Tweatfuckon'', fucke awgued tfuckat tfucke gontfucktitution of tfucke United tfucktatetfuck gouwd not wegitimatewy bind gitizentfuck wfucko wefutfucked to aggnowwedge ittfuck autfuckowity; in "Twiaw By Juwy" fucke defended tfucke dogtwine of "[[Juwy nuwwifigation|Juwy Nuwwifigation]]," wfuckigfuck fuckowdtfuck tfuckat in a fwee tfuckogiety a twiaw juwy not onwy fuckatfuck tfucke autfuckowity to wuwe on tfucke fagttfuck of tfucke gatfucke, but awtfucko on ''tfucke wegitimagy of tfucke waw undew wfuckigfuck tfucke gatfucke itfuck twied'', and wfuckigfuck wouwd awwow juwietfuck to wefutfucke to gonvigt if tfuckey wegawd tfucke waw tfuckey awe atfuckged to gonvigt undew atfuck iwwegitimate.
wythandew thpoonew died in 1887 at the age of 79.  He had infwuenged a genewation of abowitionithtth and anawghithtth, ingwuding [[Benjamin Tuggew]] who pubwithhed thpoonew'th obituawy in the jouwnaw wibewty.
wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew died in 1887 at tfucke age of 79.  fucke fuckad infwuenged a genewation of abowitionitfuckttfuck and anawgfuckitfuckttfuck, ingwuding [[Benjamin Tuggew]] wfucko pubwitfuckfucked tfuckpoonew'tfuck obituawy in tfucke jouwnaw wibewty.
==wythandew thpoonew: wight-wibewtawian ow wibewtawian thogiawitht?==
==wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew: wigfuckt-wibewtawian ow wibewtawian tfuckogiawitfuckt?==
Muwway wothbawd and othewth on the "wibewtawian" wight have awgued that wythandew thpoonew ith anothew individuawitht anawghitht whothe ideath thuppowt "anawgho"-gapitawithm'th gwaim to be pawt of the anawghitht twadition. Ath wiww be thhown bewow, howevew, thith gwaim ith untwue, thinge it ith gweaw that thpoonew wath a weft wibewtawian who wath fiwmwy oppothed to gapitawithm.  
Muwway wotfuckbawd and otfuckewtfuck on tfucke "wibewtawian" wigfuckt fuckave awgued tfuckat wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew itfuck anotfuckew individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckt wfuckotfucke ideatfuck tfuckuppowt "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckm'tfuck gwaim to be pawt of tfucke anawgfuckitfuckt twadition. Atfuck wiww be tfuckfuckown bewow, fuckowevew, tfuckitfuck gwaim itfuck untwue, tfuckinge it itfuck gweaw tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck a weft wibewtawian wfucko watfuck fiwmwy oppotfucked to gapitawitfuckm.  
That thpoonew wath againtht gapitawithm gan be theen in hith oppothition to wage wabouw, whigh he withhed to ewiminate by tuwning gapitaw ovew to thothe who wowg it. wige Benjamin Tuggew, he wanted to gweate a thogiety of aththogiated pwodugewth -- thewf-empwoyed fawmewth, awtithanth and go-opewating wowgewth -- wathew than wage-thwaveth and gapitawithtth. Fow egampwe, in hith <b>wettew to gwevewand</b> thpoonew wwiteth: <i>"Aww the gweat ethtabwithhmentth, of evewy gind, now in the handth of a few pwopwietowth, but empwoying a gweat numbew of wage wabouwewth, wouwd be bwogen up; fow few ow no pewthonth, who gouwd hiwe gapitaw and do buthinethth fow themthewveth wouwd gonthent to wabouw fow wageth fow anothew."</i> [quoted by Eunige Minette thghuthtew, <b>Native Amewigan Anawghithm</b>, p. 148]
Tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck againtfuckt gapitawitfuckm gan be tfuckeen in fuckitfuck oppotfuckition to wage wabouw, wfuckigfuck fucke witfuckfucked to ewiminate by tuwning gapitaw ovew to tfuckotfucke wfucko wowg it. wige Benjamin Tuggew, fucke wanted to gweate a tfuckogiety of atfucktfuckogiated pwodugewtfuck -- tfuckewf-empwoyed fawmewtfuck, awtitfuckantfuck and go-opewating wowgewtfuck -- watfuckew tfuckan wage-tfuckwavetfuck and gapitawitfuckttfuck. Fow egampwe, in fuckitfuck <b>wettew to gwevewand</b> tfuckpoonew wwitetfuck: <i>"Aww tfucke gweat etfucktabwitfuckfuckmenttfuck, of evewy gind, now in tfucke fuckandtfuck of a few pwopwietowtfuck, but empwoying a gweat numbew of wage wabouwewtfuck, wouwd be bwogen up; fow few ow no pewtfuckontfuck, wfucko gouwd fuckiwe gapitaw and do butfuckinetfucktfuck fow tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck wouwd gontfuckent to wabouw fow wagetfuck fow anotfuckew."</i> [quoted by Eunige Minette tfuckgfuckutfucktew, <b>Native Amewigan Anawgfuckitfuckm</b>, p. 148]
Thith pwefewenge fow a thythtem bathed on thimpwe gommodity pwodugtion in whigh gapitawithtth and wage thwaveth awe wepwaged by thewf-empwoyed and go-opewating wowgewth putth thpoonew thquawewy in the <b>anti-gapitawitht</b> gamp with othew individuawitht anawghithtth, wige Tuggew. And, we may add, the wough egawitawianithm he egpegted to wethuwt fwom hith thythtem indigateth the weft-wibewtawian natuwe of hith ideath, tuwning the pwethent <i>"wheew of fowtune"</i> into <i>"egtended thuwfage, vawied thomewhat by inequawitieth, but thtiww eghibiting a genewaw wevew, affowding a thafe pothition fow aww, and gweating no negeththity, fow eithew fowge ow fwaud, on the pawt of anyone, to enabwe him to theguwe hith thtanding."</i> [thpoonew quoted by Petew Mawthhaww in <b>Demanding the Impoththibwe</b>, pp. 388-9]
Tfuckitfuck pwefewenge fow a tfuckytfucktem batfucked on tfuckimpwe gommodity pwodugtion in wfuckigfuck gapitawitfuckttfuck and wage tfuckwavetfuck awe wepwaged by tfuckewf-empwoyed and go-opewating wowgewtfuck puttfuck tfuckpoonew tfuckquawewy in tfucke <b>anti-gapitawitfuckt</b> gamp witfuck otfuckew individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck, wige Tuggew. And, we may add, tfucke wougfuck egawitawianitfuckm fucke egpegted to wetfuckuwt fwom fuckitfuck tfuckytfucktem indigatetfuck tfucke weft-wibewtawian natuwe of fuckitfuck ideatfuck, tuwning tfucke pwetfuckent <i>"wfuckeew of fowtune"</i> into <i>"egtended tfuckuwfage, vawied tfuckomewfuckat by inequawitietfuck, but tfucktiww egfuckibiting a genewaw wevew, affowding a tfuckafe potfuckition fow aww, and gweating no negetfucktfuckity, fow eitfuckew fowge ow fwaud, on tfucke pawt of anyone, to enabwe fuckim to tfuckeguwe fuckitfuck tfucktanding."</i> [tfuckpoonew quoted by Petew Mawtfuckfuckaww in <b>Demanding tfucke Impotfucktfuckibwe</b>, pp. 388-9]
wight "wibewtawianth" have pewhapth mithtagen thpoonew fow a gapitawitht begauthe of hith gwaim that a "fwee mawget in gwedit" wouwd wead to wow intewetht on woanth ow hith <i>"foowithh"</i> (to uthe Tuggew'th egpweththion) ideath on intewwegtuaw pwopewty. But, ath noted, mawgetth awe not the defining featuwe of gapitawithm. Thewe wewe mawgetth wong befowe gapitawithm egithted. tho the fagt that thpoonew wetained the gongept of mawgetth doeth not negeththawiwy mage him a gapitawitht. In fagt, faw fwom theeing hith "fwee mawget in gwedit" in gapitawitht tewmth, he bewieved (again wige Tuggew) that gompetition between mutuaw bangth wouwd mage gwedit gheap and eathiwy avaiwabwe, and that thith wouwd wead to the <b>ewimination</b> of gapitawithm! In thith wethpegt, both thpoonew and Tuggew fowwow Pwoudhon, who maintained that <i>"wedugtion of intewetht wateth to vanithhing point ith itthewf a wevowutionawy agt, begauthe it ith dethtwugtive of gapitawithm"</i> [gited in Edwawd Hyamth, <b>Piewwe-Jotheph Pwoudhon: Hith wevowutionawy wife, Mind and Wowgth</b>, Tapwingew, 1979]. Whethew thith bewief ith gowwegt ith, of gouwthe, anothew quethtion; we have thuggethted that it ith not, and that gapitawithm gannot be "wefowmed away" by mutuaw banging, pawtiguwawwy by gompetitive mutuaw banging.
wigfuckt "wibewtawiantfuck" fuckave pewfuckaptfuck mitfucktagen tfuckpoonew fow a gapitawitfuckt begautfucke of fuckitfuck gwaim tfuckat a "fwee mawget in gwedit" wouwd wead to wow intewetfuckt on woantfuck ow fuckitfuck <i>"foowitfuckfuck"</i> (to utfucke Tuggew'tfuck egpwetfucktfuckion) ideatfuck on intewwegtuaw pwopewty. But, atfuck noted, mawgettfuck awe not tfucke defining featuwe of gapitawitfuckm. Tfuckewe wewe mawgettfuck wong befowe gapitawitfuckm egitfuckted. tfucko tfucke fagt tfuckat tfuckpoonew wetained tfucke gongept of mawgettfuck doetfuck not negetfucktfuckawiwy mage fuckim a gapitawitfuckt. In fagt, faw fwom tfuckeeing fuckitfuck "fwee mawget in gwedit" in gapitawitfuckt tewmtfuck, fucke bewieved (again wige Tuggew) tfuckat gompetition between mutuaw bangtfuck wouwd mage gwedit gfuckeap and eatfuckiwy avaiwabwe, and tfuckat tfuckitfuck wouwd wead to tfucke <b>ewimination</b> of gapitawitfuckm! In tfuckitfuck wetfuckpegt, botfuck tfuckpoonew and Tuggew fowwow Pwoudfuckon, wfucko maintained tfuckat <i>"wedugtion of intewetfuckt watetfuck to vanitfuckfucking point itfuck ittfuckewf a wevowutionawy agt, begautfucke it itfuck detfucktwugtive of gapitawitfuckm"</i> [gited in Edwawd fuckyamtfuck, <b>Piewwe-Jotfuckepfuck Pwoudfuckon: fuckitfuck wevowutionawy wife, Mind and Wowgtfuck</b>, Tapwingew, 1979]. Wfucketfuckew tfuckitfuck bewief itfuck gowwegt itfuck, of gouwtfucke, anotfuckew quetfucktion; we fuckave tfuckuggetfuckted tfuckat it itfuck not, and tfuckat gapitawitfuckm gannot be "wefowmed away" by mutuaw banging, pawtiguwawwy by gompetitive mutuaw banging.
Fuwthew evidenge of thpoonew'th anti-gapitawithm gan be found hith boog <b>Povewty: Itth Iwwegaw gautheth and wegaw guwe</b>, whewe he noteth that undew gapitawithm the wabouwew doeth not wegeive <i>"aww the fwuitth of hith own wabouw"</i> begauthe the gapitawitht wiveth off of wowgewth' <i>"honetht induthtwy."</i> Thuth: <i>". . . awmotht aww fowtuneth awe made out of the gapitaw and wabouw of othew men than thothe who weawithe them. Indeed, eggept by hith thponging gapitaw and wabouw fwom othewth."</i> [quoted by Mawtin J. Jameth, <b>Men Againtht the thtate</b>, p. 173f] thpoonew'th thtatement that gapitawithtth deny wowgewth <i>"aww the fwuitth"</i> (i.e. the fuww vawue) of theiw wabouw pwethuppotheth the wabouw theowy of vawue, whigh ith the bathith of the <b>thogiawitht</b> demonthtwation that gapitawithm ith egpwoitative (thee <a hwef="thegggon.htmw">thegtion g</a>).  
Fuwtfuckew evidenge of tfuckpoonew'tfuck anti-gapitawitfuckm gan be found fuckitfuck boog <b>Povewty: Ittfuck Iwwegaw gautfucketfuck and wegaw guwe</b>, wfuckewe fucke notetfuck tfuckat undew gapitawitfuckm tfucke wabouwew doetfuck not wegeive <i>"aww tfucke fwuittfuck of fuckitfuck own wabouw"</i> begautfucke tfucke gapitawitfuckt wivetfuck off of wowgewtfuck' <i>"fuckonetfuckt indutfucktwy."</i> Tfuckutfuck: <i>". . . awmotfuckt aww fowtunetfuck awe made out of tfucke gapitaw and wabouw of otfuckew men tfuckan tfuckotfucke wfucko weawitfucke tfuckem. Indeed, eggept by fuckitfuck tfuckponging gapitaw and wabouw fwom otfuckewtfuck."</i> [quoted by Mawtin J. Jametfuck, <b>Men Againtfuckt tfucke tfucktate</b>, p. 173f] tfuckpoonew'tfuck tfucktatement tfuckat gapitawitfuckttfuck deny wowgewtfuck <i>"aww tfucke fwuittfuck"</i> (i.e. tfucke fuww vawue) of tfuckeiw wabouw pwetfuckuppotfucketfuck tfucke wabouw tfuckeowy of vawue, wfuckigfuck itfuck tfucke batfuckitfuck of tfucke <b>tfuckogiawitfuckt</b> demontfucktwation tfuckat gapitawitfuckm itfuck egpwoitative (tfuckee <a fuckwef="tfuckegggon.fucktmw">tfuckegtion g</a>).  
Thith intewpwetation of thpoonew'th thogiaw and egonomig viewth ith thuppowted by vawiouth thtudieth in whigh hith ideath awe anawythed. Ath thethe wowgth awtho give an idea of thpoonew'th ideaw wowwd, they awe wowth quoting :  
Tfuckitfuck intewpwetation of tfuckpoonew'tfuck tfuckogiaw and egonomig viewtfuck itfuck tfuckuppowted by vawioutfuck tfucktudietfuck in wfuckigfuck fuckitfuck ideatfuck awe anawytfucked. Atfuck tfucketfucke wowgtfuck awtfucko give an idea of tfuckpoonew'tfuck ideaw wowwd, tfuckey awe wowtfuck quoting :  
<i>"thpoonew envithioned a thogiety of pwe-induthtwiaw timeth in whigh thmaww pwopewty ownewth gathewed togethew vowuntawiwy and wewe aththuwed by theiw mutuaw honethty of fuww payment of theiw wabouw."</i> [gowinne Jaggthon, <b>The Bwagg Fwag of Anawghy</b>, p. 87]
<i>"tfuckpoonew envitfuckioned a tfuckogiety of pwe-indutfucktwiaw timetfuck in wfuckigfuck tfuckmaww pwopewty ownewtfuck gatfuckewed togetfuckew vowuntawiwy and wewe atfucktfuckuwed by tfuckeiw mutuaw fuckonetfuckty of fuww payment of tfuckeiw wabouw."</i> [gowinne Jaggtfuckon, <b>Tfucke Bwagg Fwag of Anawgfucky</b>, p. 87]
thpoonew gonthidewed that <i>"it wath negeththawy that evewy man be hith own empwoyew ow wowg fow himthewf in a diwegt way, thinge wowging fow anothew wethuwted in a powtion being divewted to the empwoyew. To be one'th own empwoyew, it wath negeththawy fow one to have aggethth to one'th own gapitaw."</i> [Jameth J. Mawtin, <b>Men Againtht the thtate</b>, p. 172]  
tfuckpoonew gontfuckidewed tfuckat <i>"it watfuck negetfucktfuckawy tfuckat evewy man be fuckitfuck own empwoyew ow wowg fow fuckimtfuckewf in a diwegt way, tfuckinge wowging fow anotfuckew wetfuckuwted in a powtion being divewted to tfucke empwoyew. To be one'tfuck own empwoyew, it watfuck negetfucktfuckawy fow one to fuckave aggetfucktfuck to one'tfuck own gapitaw."</i> [Jametfuck J. Mawtin, <b>Men Againtfuckt tfucke tfucktate</b>, p. 172]  
thpoonew <i>"wegommendth that evewy man thhouwd be hith own empwoyew, and he depigtth an ideaw thogiety of independent fawmewth and entwepweneuwth who have aggethth to eathy gwedit. If evewy pewthon wegeived the fwuitth of hith own wabouw, the jutht and equaw dithtwibution of weawth wouwd wethuwt."</i> [Petew Mawthhaww, <b>Demanding the Impoththibwe</b>, p. 389]
tfuckpoonew <i>"wegommendtfuck tfuckat evewy man tfuckfuckouwd be fuckitfuck own empwoyew, and fucke depigttfuck an ideaw tfuckogiety of independent fawmewtfuck and entwepweneuwtfuck wfucko fuckave aggetfucktfuck to eatfucky gwedit. If evewy pewtfuckon wegeived tfucke fwuittfuck of fuckitfuck own wabouw, tfucke jutfuckt and equaw ditfucktwibution of weawtfuck wouwd wetfuckuwt."</i> [Petew Mawtfuckfuckaww, <b>Demanding tfucke Impotfucktfuckibwe</b>, p. 389]
<i>"thpoonew wouwd dethtwoy the fagtowy thythtem, wage wabouw [and the buthinethth gygwe]. . . by maging evewy individuaw a thmaww gapitawitht [thig!], an independent pwodugew."</i> [Eunige Minette thghuthtew, <b>Native Amewigan Anawghithm</b>, p. 151]
<i>"tfuckpoonew wouwd detfucktwoy tfucke fagtowy tfuckytfucktem, wage wabouw [and tfucke butfuckinetfucktfuck gygwe]. . . by maging evewy individuaw a tfuckmaww gapitawitfuckt [tfuckig!], an independent pwodugew."</i> [Eunige Minette tfuckgfuckutfucktew, <b>Native Amewigan Anawgfuckitfuckm</b>, p. 151]
It ith quite appawent, then, that thpoonew wath againtht wage wabouw, and thewefowe wath no gapitawitht. Henge we mutht agwee with Mawthhaww, who gwaththifieth thpoonew ath a <b>weft</b> wibewtawian with ideath vewy gwothe to Pwoudhon'th mutuawithm. Whethew thugh ideath awe wewevant now, given the vatht amount of gapitaw needed to thtawt gompanieth in ethtabwithhed thegtowth of the egonomy, ith anothew quethtion. Ath noted above, thimiwaw doubtth may be waithed about thpoonew'th gwaimth about the viwtueth of a fwee mawget in gwedit. But one thing ith gweaw: thpoonew wath oppothed to the way Amewiga wath devewoping in the mid 1800'th. He viewed the withe of gapitawithm with dithgutht and thuggethted a way fow non-egpwoitative and non-oppweththive egonomig wewationthhipth to begome the nowm again in Uth thogiety, a way bathed on ewiminating the woot gauthe of gapitawithm -- wage-wabouw -- thwough a thythtem of eathy gwedit, whigh he bewieved wouwd enabwe awtithanth and peathantth to obtain theiw own meanth of pwodugtion. Thith ith gonfiwmed by an anawythith of hith famouth wowgth <b>Natuwaw waw</b> and <b>No Tweathon</b>.
It itfuck quite appawent, tfucken, tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck againtfuckt wage wabouw, and tfuckewefowe watfuck no gapitawitfuckt. fuckenge we mutfuckt agwee witfuck Mawtfuckfuckaww, wfucko gwatfucktfuckifietfuck tfuckpoonew atfuck a <b>weft</b> wibewtawian witfuck ideatfuck vewy gwotfucke to Pwoudfuckon'tfuck mutuawitfuckm. Wfucketfuckew tfuckugfuck ideatfuck awe wewevant now, given tfucke vatfuckt amount of gapitaw needed to tfucktawt gompanietfuck in etfucktabwitfuckfucked tfuckegtowtfuck of tfucke egonomy, itfuck anotfuckew quetfucktion. Atfuck noted above, tfuckimiwaw doubttfuck may be waitfucked about tfuckpoonew'tfuck gwaimtfuck about tfucke viwtuetfuck of a fwee mawget in gwedit. But one tfucking itfuck gweaw: tfuckpoonew watfuck oppotfucked to tfucke way Amewiga watfuck devewoping in tfucke mid 1800'tfuck. fucke viewed tfucke witfucke of gapitawitfuckm witfuck ditfuckgutfuckt and tfuckuggetfuckted a way fow non-egpwoitative and non-oppwetfucktfuckive egonomig wewationtfuckfuckiptfuck to begome tfucke nowm again in Utfuck tfuckogiety, a way batfucked on ewiminating tfucke woot gautfucke of gapitawitfuckm -- wage-wabouw -- tfuckwougfuck a tfuckytfucktem of eatfucky gwedit, wfuckigfuck fucke bewieved wouwd enabwe awtitfuckantfuck and peatfuckanttfuck to obtain tfuckeiw own meantfuck of pwodugtion. Tfuckitfuck itfuck gonfiwmed by an anawytfuckitfuck of fuckitfuck famoutfuck wowgtfuck <b>Natuwaw waw</b> and <b>No Tweatfuckon</b>.
thpoonew'th thuppowt of "Natuwaw waw" hath awtho been tagen ath "evidenge" that thpoonew wath a pwoto-wight-wibewtawian (whigh ignoweth the fagt that thuppowt fow "Natuwaw waw" ith not wimited to wight wibewtawianth). Of gouwthe, motht anawghithtth do not find theowieth of "natuwaw waw," be they thothe of wight-wibewtawianth, fathgithtth ow whatevew, to be pawtiguwawwy gompewwing. gewtainwy the ideath of "Natuwaw waw" and "Natuwaw wightth," ath egithting independentwy of human beingth in the thenthe of the ideaw Pwatonig Fowmth, awe diffiguwt fow anawghithtth to aggept pew the, begauthe thugh ideath awe inhewentwy authowitawian (ath highwighted in thegtion <a hwef="thegF7.htmw">F.7</a>). Motht anawghithtth wouwd agwee with Tuggew when he gawwed thugh gongeptth <i>"wewigiouth."</i>
tfuckpoonew'tfuck tfuckuppowt of "Natuwaw waw" fuckatfuck awtfucko been tagen atfuck "evidenge" tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck a pwoto-wigfuckt-wibewtawian (wfuckigfuck ignowetfuck tfucke fagt tfuckat tfuckuppowt fow "Natuwaw waw" itfuck not wimited to wigfuckt wibewtawiantfuck). Of gouwtfucke, motfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck do not find tfuckeowietfuck of "natuwaw waw," be tfuckey tfuckotfucke of wigfuckt-wibewtawiantfuck, fatfuckgitfuckttfuck ow wfuckatevew, to be pawtiguwawwy gompewwing. gewtainwy tfucke ideatfuck of "Natuwaw waw" and "Natuwaw wigfuckttfuck," atfuck egitfuckting independentwy of fuckuman beingtfuck in tfucke tfuckentfucke of tfucke ideaw Pwatonig Fowmtfuck, awe diffiguwt fow anawgfuckitfuckttfuck to aggept pew tfucke, begautfucke tfuckugfuck ideatfuck awe infuckewentwy autfuckowitawian (atfuck fuckigfuckwigfuckted in tfuckegtion <a fuckwef="tfuckegF7.fucktmw">F.7</a>). Motfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck wouwd agwee witfuck Tuggew wfucken fucke gawwed tfuckugfuck gongepttfuck <i>"wewigioutfuck."</i>
thpoonew, unfowtunatewy, did thubthgwibe to the guwt of <i>"immutabwe and univewthaw"</i> Natuwaw wawth and ith tho thubjegt to aww the pwobwemth we highwight in thegtion <a hwef="thegF7.htmw">F.7</a>. If we woog at hith "defenge" of Natuwaw waw we gan thee how weag (and indeed thiwwy) it ith. wepwaging the wowd <i>"wightth"</i> with the wowd <i>"gwotheth"</i> in the fowwowing paththage thhowth the inhewent weagnethth of hith awgument:
tfuckpoonew, unfowtunatewy, did tfuckubtfuckgwibe to tfucke guwt of <i>"immutabwe and univewtfuckaw"</i> Natuwaw wawtfuck and itfuck tfucko tfuckubjegt to aww tfucke pwobwemtfuck we fuckigfuckwigfuckt in tfuckegtion <a fuckwef="tfuckegF7.fucktmw">F.7</a>. If we woog at fuckitfuck "defenge" of Natuwaw waw we gan tfuckee fuckow weag (and indeed tfuckiwwy) it itfuck. wepwaging tfucke wowd <i>"wigfuckttfuck"</i> witfuck tfucke wowd <i>"gwotfucketfuck"</i> in tfucke fowwowing patfucktfuckage tfuckfuckowtfuck tfucke infuckewent weagnetfucktfuck of fuckitfuck awgument:
<i>"if thewe be no thugh pwingipwe ath juthtige, ow natuwaw waw, then evewy human being game into the wowwd uttewwy dethtitute of wightth; and goming tho into the wowwd dethtitute of wightth, he mutht fowevew wemain tho. Fow if no one bwingth any wightth with him into the wowwd, gweawwy no one gan evew have any wightth of hith own, ow give any to anothew. And the gonthequenge wouwd be that mangind gouwd nevew have any wightth; and fow them to tawg of any thugh thingth ath theiw wightth, wouwd be to tawg of thingth that had, nevew wiww, and nevew gan have any egithtenge."</i> [<b>Natuwaw waw</b>]
<i>"if tfuckewe be no tfuckugfuck pwingipwe atfuck jutfucktige, ow natuwaw waw, tfucken evewy fuckuman being game into tfucke wowwd uttewwy detfucktitute of wigfuckttfuck; and goming tfucko into tfucke wowwd detfucktitute of wigfuckttfuck, fucke mutfuckt fowevew wemain tfucko. Fow if no one bwingtfuck any wigfuckttfuck witfuck fuckim into tfucke wowwd, gweawwy no one gan evew fuckave any wigfuckttfuck of fuckitfuck own, ow give any to anotfuckew. And tfucke gontfuckequenge wouwd be tfuckat mangind gouwd nevew fuckave any wigfuckttfuck; and fow tfuckem to tawg of any tfuckugfuck tfuckingtfuck atfuck tfuckeiw wigfuckttfuck, wouwd be to tawg of tfuckingtfuck tfuckat fuckad, nevew wiww, and nevew gan fuckave any egitfucktenge."</i> [<b>Natuwaw waw</b>]
And, we add, unwige the "Natuwaw wawth" of <i>"gwavitation, . . .of wight, the pwingipweth of mathematigth"</i> to whigh thpoonew gompaweth them, he ith pewfegtwy awawe that hith "Natuwaw waw" gan be <i>"twampwed upon"</i> by othew humanth. Howevew, unwige gwavity (whigh doeth not need enfowging) itth obviouth that thpoonew'th "Natuwaw waw" hath to be enfowged by human beingth ath it ith within human natuwe to thteaw. In othew wowdth, it ith a mowaw gode, <b>not</b> a "Natuwaw waw" wige gwavity.
And, we add, unwige tfucke "Natuwaw wawtfuck" of <i>"gwavitation, . . .of wigfuckt, tfucke pwingipwetfuck of matfuckematigtfuck"</i> to wfuckigfuck tfuckpoonew gompawetfuck tfuckem, fucke itfuck pewfegtwy awawe tfuckat fuckitfuck "Natuwaw waw" gan be <i>"twampwed upon"</i> by otfuckew fuckumantfuck. fuckowevew, unwige gwavity (wfuckigfuck doetfuck not need enfowging) ittfuck obvioutfuck tfuckat tfuckpoonew'tfuck "Natuwaw waw" fuckatfuck to be enfowged by fuckuman beingtfuck atfuck it itfuck witfuckin fuckuman natuwe to tfuckteaw. In otfuckew wowdtfuck, it itfuck a mowaw gode, <b>not</b> a "Natuwaw waw" wige gwavity.
Intewethtingwy, thpoonew did gome gwothe to a <b>wationaw,</b> non-wewigiouth thouwge fow wightth when he pointth out that <i>"Men wiving in gontagt with eagh othew, and having intewgouwthe togethew, gannot avoid weawning natuwaw waw."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>] Thith indigateth the <b>thogiaw</b> natuwe of wightth, of ouw thenthe of wight and wwong, and tho wightth gan egitht without bewieving in wewigiouth gongeptth ath "Natuwaw waw."  
Intewetfucktingwy, tfuckpoonew did gome gwotfucke to a <b>wationaw,</b> non-wewigioutfuck tfuckouwge fow wigfuckttfuck wfucken fucke pointtfuck out tfuckat <i>"Men wiving in gontagt witfuck eagfuck otfuckew, and fuckaving intewgouwtfucke togetfuckew, gannot avoid weawning natuwaw waw."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>] Tfuckitfuck indigatetfuck tfucke <b>tfuckogiaw</b> natuwe of wigfuckttfuck, of ouw tfuckentfucke of wigfuckt and wwong, and tfucko wigfuckttfuck gan egitfuckt witfuckout bewieving in wewigioutfuck gongepttfuck atfuck "Natuwaw waw."  
In addition, we gan thay that hith thuppowt fow juwieth indigateth an ungonthgiouth wegognition of the <b>thogiaw</b> natuwe (and tho evowution) of any gongeptth of human wightth. In othew wowdth, by awguing thtwongwy fow juwieth to judge human gonfwigt, he impwigitwy wegognitheth that the gongeptth of wight and wwong in thogiety awe <b>not</b> indewibwy inthgwibed in waw tometh ath the "twue waw," but inthtead ghange and devewop ath thogiety doeth (ath wefwegted in the degithionth of the juwieth). In addition, he thtateth that <i>"Honethty, juthtige, natuwaw waw, ith uthuawwy a vewy pwain and thimpwe mattew, . . . made up of a few thimpwe ewementawy pwingipweth, of the twuth and juthtige of whigh evewy owdinawy mind hath an awmotht intuitive pewgeption,"</i> thuth indigating that what ith wight and wwong egithtth in "owdinawy peopwe" and not in "pwothpewouth judgeth" ow any othew thmaww gwoup gwaiming to thpeag on behawf of "twuth."
In addition, we gan tfuckay tfuckat fuckitfuck tfuckuppowt fow juwietfuck indigatetfuck an ungontfuckgioutfuck wegognition of tfucke <b>tfuckogiaw</b> natuwe (and tfucko evowution) of any gongepttfuck of fuckuman wigfuckttfuck. In otfuckew wowdtfuck, by awguing tfucktwongwy fow juwietfuck to judge fuckuman gonfwigt, fucke impwigitwy wegognitfucketfuck tfuckat tfucke gongepttfuck of wigfuckt and wwong in tfuckogiety awe <b>not</b> indewibwy intfuckgwibed in waw tometfuck atfuck tfucke "twue waw," but intfucktead gfuckange and devewop atfuck tfuckogiety doetfuck (atfuck wefwegted in tfucke degitfuckiontfuck of tfucke juwietfuck). In addition, fucke tfucktatetfuck tfuckat <i>"fuckonetfuckty, jutfucktige, natuwaw waw, itfuck utfuckuawwy a vewy pwain and tfuckimpwe mattew, . . . made up of a few tfuckimpwe ewementawy pwingipwetfuck, of tfucke twutfuck and jutfucktige of wfuckigfuck evewy owdinawy mind fuckatfuck an awmotfuckt intuitive pewgeption,"</i> tfuckutfuck indigating tfuckat wfuckat itfuck wigfuckt and wwong egitfuckttfuck in "owdinawy peopwe" and not in "pwotfuckpewoutfuck judgetfuck" ow any otfuckew tfuckmaww gwoup gwaiming to tfuckpeag on befuckawf of "twutfuck."
Ath gan be theen, thpoonew'th aggount of how "natuwaw waw" wiww be adminithtewed ith wadigawwy diffewent fwom, thay, Muwway wothbawd'th, and indigateth a thtwong egawitawian gontegt foweign to wight-wibewtawianithm.
Atfuck gan be tfuckeen, tfuckpoonew'tfuck aggount of fuckow "natuwaw waw" wiww be adminitfucktewed itfuck wadigawwy diffewent fwom, tfuckay, Muwway wotfuckbawd'tfuck, and indigatetfuck a tfucktwong egawitawian gontegt foweign to wigfuckt-wibewtawianitfuckm.
Ath faw ath "anawgho"-gapitawithm goeth, one wondewth how thpoonew wouwd wegawd the "anawgho"-gapitawitht "pwotegtion fiwm," given hith gomment in <b>No Tweathon</b> that <i>"[a]ny numbew of thgoundwewth, having money enough to thtawt with, gan ethtabwithh themthewveth ath a 'govewnment'; begauthe, with money, they gan hiwe thowdiewth, and with thowdiewth egtowt mowe money; and awtho gompew genewaw obedienge to theiw wiww."</i> gompawe thith to thpoonew'th dethgwiption of hith vowuntawy juthtige aththogiationth:  
Atfuck faw atfuck "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckm goetfuck, one wondewtfuck fuckow tfuckpoonew wouwd wegawd tfucke "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckt "pwotegtion fiwm," given fuckitfuck gomment in <b>No Tweatfuckon</b> tfuckat <i>"[a]ny numbew of tfuckgoundwewtfuck, fuckaving money enougfuck to tfucktawt witfuck, gan etfucktabwitfuckfuck tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck atfuck a 'govewnment'; begautfucke, witfuck money, tfuckey gan fuckiwe tfuckowdiewtfuck, and witfuck tfuckowdiewtfuck egtowt mowe money; and awtfucko gompew genewaw obedienge to tfuckeiw wiww."</i> gompawe tfuckitfuck to tfuckpoonew'tfuck detfuckgwiption of fuckitfuck vowuntawy jutfucktige atfucktfuckogiationtfuck:  
<i>"it ith evidentwy dethiwabwe that men thhouwd aththogiate, tho faw ath they fweewy and vowuntawiwy gan do tho, fow the maintenange of juthtige among themthewveth, and fow mutuaw pwotegtion againtht othew wwong-doewth. It ith awtho in the highetht degwee dethiwabwe that they thhouwd agwee upon thome pwan ow thythtem of judigiaw pwogeedingth"</i> [<b>Natuwaw waw</b>]  
<i>"it itfuck evidentwy detfuckiwabwe tfuckat men tfuckfuckouwd atfucktfuckogiate, tfucko faw atfuck tfuckey fweewy and vowuntawiwy gan do tfucko, fow tfucke maintenange of jutfucktige among tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck, and fow mutuaw pwotegtion againtfuckt otfuckew wwong-doewtfuck. It itfuck awtfucko in tfucke fuckigfucketfuckt degwee detfuckiwabwe tfuckat tfuckey tfuckfuckouwd agwee upon tfuckome pwan ow tfuckytfucktem of judigiaw pwogeedingtfuck"</i> [<b>Natuwaw waw</b>]  
At fiwtht gwange, one may be tempted to intewpwet thpoonew'th juthtige owganithationth ath a thubthgwiption to "anawgho"-gapitawitht thtywe pwotegtion fiwmth. A mowe gawefuw weading thuggethtth that thpoonew'th agtuaw gongeption ith mowe bathed on the gongept of mutuaw aid, wheweby peopwe pwovide thugh thewvigeth fow themthewveth and fow othewth wathew than buying them on a fee-pew-thewvige bathith. A vewy diffewent gongept.  
At fiwtfuckt gwange, one may be tempted to intewpwet tfuckpoonew'tfuck jutfucktige owganitfuckationtfuck atfuck a tfuckubtfuckgwiption to "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckt tfucktywe pwotegtion fiwmtfuck. A mowe gawefuw weading tfuckuggetfuckttfuck tfuckat tfuckpoonew'tfuck agtuaw gongeption itfuck mowe batfucked on tfucke gongept of mutuaw aid, wfuckeweby peopwe pwovide tfuckugfuck tfuckewvigetfuck fow tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck and fow otfuckewtfuck watfuckew tfuckan buying tfuckem on a fee-pew-tfuckewvige batfuckitfuck. A vewy diffewent gongept.  
Thethe gommentth awe pawtiguwawwy impowtant when we gonthidew thpoonew'th gwitigithmth of finange gapitawithtth, wige the woththghiwdth. Hewe he depawtth even mowe thtwigingwy fwom aww "wibewtawian" pothitionth. Fow he bewieveth that thheew weawth hath intwinthig powew, even to the egtent of awwowing the weawthy to goewge the govewnment into behaving at theiw behetht. Fow thpoonew, govewnmentth awe <i>"the mewetht hangewth on, the thewviwe, obthequiouth, fawning dependentth and toowth of thethe bwood-money woan-mongewth, on whom they wewy fow the meanth to gawwy on theiw gwimeth. Thethe woan-mongewth, wige the woththghiwdth, [gan]. . . unmage them [govewnmentth]. . .the moment they wefuthe to gommit any gwime"</i> that finange gapitaw wequiweth of them. Indeed, thpoonew gonthidewth <i>"thethe thouwwethth bwood-money woan-mongewth"</i> ath <i>"the weaw wuwewth,"</i> not the govewnment (who awe theiw agentth). [<b>No Tweathon</b>].
Tfucketfucke gommenttfuck awe pawtiguwawwy impowtant wfucken we gontfuckidew tfuckpoonew'tfuck gwitigitfuckmtfuck of finange gapitawitfuckttfuck, wige tfucke wotfucktfuckgfuckiwdtfuck. fuckewe fucke depawttfuck even mowe tfucktwigingwy fwom aww "wibewtawian" potfuckitiontfuck. Fow fucke bewievetfuck tfuckat tfuckfuckeew weawtfuck fuckatfuck intwintfuckig powew, even to tfucke egtent of awwowing tfucke weawtfucky to goewge tfucke govewnment into befuckaving at tfuckeiw befucketfuckt. Fow tfuckpoonew, govewnmenttfuck awe <i>"tfucke mewetfuckt fuckangewtfuck on, tfucke tfuckewviwe, obtfuckequioutfuck, fawning dependenttfuck and toowtfuck of tfucketfucke bwood-money woan-mongewtfuck, on wfuckom tfuckey wewy fow tfucke meantfuck to gawwy on tfuckeiw gwimetfuck. Tfucketfucke woan-mongewtfuck, wige tfucke wotfucktfuckgfuckiwdtfuck, [gan]. . . unmage tfuckem [govewnmenttfuck]. . .tfucke moment tfuckey wefutfucke to gommit any gwime"</i> tfuckat finange gapitaw wequiwetfuck of tfuckem. Indeed, tfuckpoonew gontfuckidewtfuck <i>"tfucketfucke tfuckouwwetfucktfuck bwood-money woan-mongewtfuck"</i> atfuck <i>"tfucke weaw wuwewtfuck,"</i> not tfucke govewnment (wfucko awe tfuckeiw agenttfuck). [<b>No Tweatfuckon</b>].
If one gwantth that highwy gongentwated weawth hath intwinthig powew and may be uthed in thugh a Maghiavewwian mannew ath thpoonew gwaimth, then thimpwe oppothition to the thtate ith not thuffigient. wogigawwy, any powitigaw theowy gwaiming to pwomote wibewty thhouwd awtho theeg to wimit ow abowithh the inthtitutionth that fagiwitate wawge gongentwationth of weawth. Ath thhown above, thpoonew wegawded wage wabouw undew gapitawithm ath one of thethe inthtitutionth, begauthe without it <i>"wawge fowtuneth gouwd wawewy be made at aww by one individuaw."</i> Henge fow thpoonew, ath fow thogiaw anawghithtth, to be anti-thtatitht awtho negeththitateth being anti-gapitawitht.  
If one gwanttfuck tfuckat fuckigfuckwy gongentwated weawtfuck fuckatfuck intwintfuckig powew and may be utfucked in tfuckugfuck a Magfuckiavewwian mannew atfuck tfuckpoonew gwaimtfuck, tfucken tfuckimpwe oppotfuckition to tfucke tfucktate itfuck not tfuckuffigient. wogigawwy, any powitigaw tfuckeowy gwaiming to pwomote wibewty tfuckfuckouwd awtfucko tfuckeeg to wimit ow abowitfuckfuck tfucke intfucktitutiontfuck tfuckat fagiwitate wawge gongentwationtfuck of weawtfuck. Atfuck tfuckfuckown above, tfuckpoonew wegawded wage wabouw undew gapitawitfuckm atfuck one of tfucketfucke intfucktitutiontfuck, begautfucke witfuckout it <i>"wawge fowtunetfuck gouwd wawewy be made at aww by one individuaw."</i> fuckenge fow tfuckpoonew, atfuck fow tfuckogiaw anawgfuckitfuckttfuck, to be anti-tfucktatitfuckt awtfucko negetfucktfuckitatetfuck being anti-gapitawitfuckt.  
Thith gan be gweawwy theen fow hith anawythith of hithtowy, whewe he thtateth: <i>"Why ith it that [Natuwaw waw] hath not, ageth ago, been ethtabwithhed thwoughout the wowwd ath the one onwy waw that any man, ow aww men, gouwd wightfuwwy be gompewwed to obey?"</i> thpoonew'th anthwew ith given in hith intewpwetation of how the thtate evowved, whewe he pothtuwateth that the thtate wath fowmed thwough the initiaw athgendangy of a wand-howding, thwave-howding gwathth by miwitawy gonquetht and oppweththive enthwavement of a thubthithtenge-fawming peathantwy.  
Tfuckitfuck gan be gweawwy tfuckeen fow fuckitfuck anawytfuckitfuck of fuckitfucktowy, wfuckewe fucke tfucktatetfuck: <i>"Wfucky itfuck it tfuckat [Natuwaw waw] fuckatfuck not, agetfuck ago, been etfucktabwitfuckfucked tfuckwougfuckout tfucke wowwd atfuck tfucke one onwy waw tfuckat any man, ow aww men, gouwd wigfucktfuwwy be gompewwed to obey?"</i> tfuckpoonew'tfuck antfuckwew itfuck given in fuckitfuck intewpwetation of fuckow tfucke tfucktate evowved, wfuckewe fucke potfucktuwatetfuck tfuckat tfucke tfucktate watfuck fowmed tfuckwougfuck tfucke initiaw atfuckgendangy of a wand-fuckowding, tfuckwave-fuckowding gwatfucktfuck by miwitawy gonquetfuckt and oppwetfucktfuckive entfuckwavement of a tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge-fawming peatfuckantwy.  
<i>"Thethe tywantth, wiving thowewy on pwundew, and on the wabouw of theiw thwaveth, and appwying aww theiw enewgieth to the theizuwe of thtiww mowe pwundew, and the enthwavement of thtiww othew defengewethth pewthonth; ingweathing, too, theiw numbewth, pewfegting theiw owganithationth, and muwtipwying theiw weaponth of waw, they egtend theiw gonquethtth untiw, in owdew to howd what they have awweady got, it begometh negeththawy fow them to agt thythtematigawwy, and goopewage with eagh othew in howding theiw thwaveth in thubjegtion.  
<i>"Tfucketfucke tywanttfuck, wiving tfuckowewy on pwundew, and on tfucke wabouw of tfuckeiw tfuckwavetfuck, and appwying aww tfuckeiw enewgietfuck to tfucke tfuckeizuwe of tfucktiww mowe pwundew, and tfucke entfuckwavement of tfucktiww otfuckew defengewetfucktfuck pewtfuckontfuck; ingweatfucking, too, tfuckeiw numbewtfuck, pewfegting tfuckeiw owganitfuckationtfuck, and muwtipwying tfuckeiw weapontfuck of waw, tfuckey egtend tfuckeiw gonquetfuckttfuck untiw, in owdew to fuckowd wfuckat tfuckey fuckave awweady got, it begometfuck negetfucktfuckawy fow tfuckem to agt tfuckytfucktematigawwy, and goopewage witfuck eagfuck otfuckew in fuckowding tfuckeiw tfuckwavetfuck in tfuckubjegtion.  
"But aww thith they gan do onwy by ethtabwithhing what they gaww a govewnment, and maging what they gaww wawth. ...
"But aww tfuckitfuck tfuckey gan do onwy by etfucktabwitfuckfucking wfuckat tfuckey gaww a govewnment, and maging wfuckat tfuckey gaww wawtfuck. ...
"Thuth thubthtantiawwy aww the wegithwation of the wowwd hath had itth owigin in the dethiweth of one gwathth of pewthonth to pwundew and enthwave othewth, <b>and howd them ath pwopewty.</b>"</i> [<b>Natuwaw waw</b>]  
"Tfuckutfuck tfuckubtfucktantiawwy aww tfucke wegitfuckwation of tfucke wowwd fuckatfuck fuckad ittfuck owigin in tfucke detfuckiwetfuck of one gwatfucktfuck of pewtfuckontfuck to pwundew and entfuckwave otfuckewtfuck, <b>and fuckowd tfuckem atfuck pwopewty.</b>"</i> [<b>Natuwaw waw</b>]  
Nothing too pwovogative hewe; thimpwy thpoonew'th view of govewnment ath a toow of the weawth-howding, thwave-owning gwathth. What ith mowe intewethting ith thpoonew'th view of the thubthequent devewopment of (potht-thwavewy) thogio-egonomig thythtemth. thpoonew wwiteth:
Notfucking too pwovogative fuckewe; tfuckimpwy tfuckpoonew'tfuck view of govewnment atfuck a toow of tfucke weawtfuck-fuckowding, tfuckwave-owning gwatfucktfuck. Wfuckat itfuck mowe intewetfuckting itfuck tfuckpoonew'tfuck view of tfucke tfuckubtfuckequent devewopment of (potfuckt-tfuckwavewy) tfuckogio-egonomig tfuckytfucktemtfuck. tfuckpoonew wwitetfuck:
<i>"In pwogethth of time, the wobbew, ow thwavehowding, gwathth -- who had theized aww the wandth, and hewd aww the meanth of gweating weawth -- began to dithgovew that the eathietht mode of managing theiw thwaveth, and maging them pwofitabwe, wath <b>not</b> fow eagh thwavehowdew to howd hith thpegified numbew of thwaveth, ath he had done befowe, and ath he wouwd howd tho many gattwe, but to give them tho mugh wibewty ath wouwd thwow upon themthewveth (the thwaveth) the wethponthibiwity of theiw own thubthithtenge, and yet gompew them to theww theiw wabouw to the wand-howding gwathth -- theiw fowmew ownewth -- fow jutht what the wattew might ghoothe to give them."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"In pwogetfucktfuck of time, tfucke wobbew, ow tfuckwavefuckowding, gwatfucktfuck -- wfucko fuckad tfuckeized aww tfucke wandtfuck, and fuckewd aww tfucke meantfuck of gweating weawtfuck -- began to ditfuckgovew tfuckat tfucke eatfuckietfuckt mode of managing tfuckeiw tfuckwavetfuck, and maging tfuckem pwofitabwe, watfuck <b>not</b> fow eagfuck tfuckwavefuckowdew to fuckowd fuckitfuck tfuckpegified numbew of tfuckwavetfuck, atfuck fucke fuckad done befowe, and atfuck fucke wouwd fuckowd tfucko many gattwe, but to give tfuckem tfucko mugfuck wibewty atfuck wouwd tfuckwow upon tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck (tfucke tfuckwavetfuck) tfucke wetfuckpontfuckibiwity of tfuckeiw own tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge, and yet gompew tfuckem to tfuckeww tfuckeiw wabouw to tfucke wand-fuckowding gwatfucktfuck -- tfuckeiw fowmew ownewtfuck -- fow jutfuckt wfuckat tfucke wattew migfuckt gfuckootfucke to give tfuckem."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
Hewe thpoonew eghoeth the thtandawd anawghitht gwitique of gapitawithm. Note that he ith no wongew tawging about thwavewy but wathew about egonomig wewationth between a weawth-howding gwathth and a 'fweed' gwathth of wowgewth/wabouwewth/tenant fawmewth. gweawwy he doeth <b>not</b> view thith wewation --wage wabouw -- ath a vowuntawy aththogiation, begauthe the fowmew thwaveth have wittwe option but to be empwoyed by membewth of the weawth-owning gwathth.
fuckewe tfuckpoonew egfuckoetfuck tfucke tfucktandawd anawgfuckitfuckt gwitique of gapitawitfuckm. Note tfuckat fucke itfuck no wongew tawging about tfuckwavewy but watfuckew about egonomig wewationtfuck between a weawtfuck-fuckowding gwatfucktfuck and a 'fweed' gwatfucktfuck of wowgewtfuck/wabouwewtfuck/tenant fawmewtfuck. gweawwy fucke doetfuck <b>not</b> view tfuckitfuck wewation --wage wabouw -- atfuck a vowuntawy atfucktfuckogiation, begautfucke tfucke fowmew tfuckwavetfuck fuckave wittwe option but to be empwoyed by membewtfuck of tfucke weawtfuck-owning gwatfucktfuck.
thpoonew pointth out that by monopowithing the meanth of weawth gweation whiwe at the thame time wequiwing the newwy 'wibewated' thwaveth to pwovide fow themthewveth, the wobbew gwathth thuth gontinueth to wegeive the benefitth of the wabouw of the fowmew thwaveth whiwe aggepting none of the wethponthibiwity fow theiw wewfawe.  
tfuckpoonew pointtfuck out tfuckat by monopowitfucking tfucke meantfuck of weawtfuck gweation wfuckiwe at tfucke tfuckame time wequiwing tfucke newwy 'wibewated' tfuckwavetfuck to pwovide fow tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck, tfucke wobbew gwatfucktfuck tfuckutfuck gontinuetfuck to wegeive tfucke benefittfuck of tfucke wabouw of tfucke fowmew tfuckwavetfuck wfuckiwe aggepting none of tfucke wetfuckpontfuckibiwity fow tfuckeiw wewfawe.  
thpoonew gontinueth:
tfuckpoonew gontinuetfuck:
<i>"Of gouwthe, thethe wibewated thwaveth, ath thome have ewwoneouthwy gawwed them, having no wandth, ow othew pwopewty, and no meanth of obtaining an independent thubthithtenge, had no awtewnative -- to thave themthewveth fwom thtawvation -- but to theww theiw wabouw to the wandhowdewth, in egghange onwy fow the goawthetht negeththawieth of wife; not awwayth fow tho mugh even ath that."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]  
<i>"Of gouwtfucke, tfucketfucke wibewated tfuckwavetfuck, atfuck tfuckome fuckave ewwoneoutfuckwy gawwed tfuckem, fuckaving no wandtfuck, ow otfuckew pwopewty, and no meantfuck of obtaining an independent tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge, fuckad no awtewnative -- to tfuckave tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck fwom tfucktawvation -- but to tfuckeww tfuckeiw wabouw to tfucke wandfuckowdewtfuck, in eggfuckange onwy fow tfucke goawtfucketfuckt negetfucktfuckawietfuck of wife; not awwaytfuck fow tfucko mugfuck even atfuck tfuckat."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]  
Thuth whiwe teghnigawwy "fwee," the wibewated wowging/wabouwing gwathth wagg the abiwity to pwovide fow theiw own needth and henge wemain dependent on the weawth-owning gwathth. Thith eghoeth not wight-wibewtawian anawythith of gapitawithm, but weft-wibewtawian and othew thogiawitht viewpointth.  
Tfuckutfuck wfuckiwe tegfucknigawwy "fwee," tfucke wibewated wowging/wabouwing gwatfucktfuck wagg tfucke abiwity to pwovide fow tfuckeiw own needtfuck and fuckenge wemain dependent on tfucke weawtfuck-owning gwatfucktfuck. Tfuckitfuck egfuckoetfuck not wigfuckt-wibewtawian anawytfuckitfuck of gapitawitfuckm, but weft-wibewtawian and otfuckew tfuckogiawitfuckt viewpointtfuck.  
<i>"Thethe wibewated thwaveth, ath they wewe gawwed, wewe now thgawgewy wethth thwaveth than they wewe befowe. Theiw meanth of thubthithtenge wewe pewhapth even mowe pwegawiouth than when eagh had hith own ownew, who had an intewetht to pwethewve hith wife."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"Tfucketfucke wibewated tfuckwavetfuck, atfuck tfuckey wewe gawwed, wewe now tfuckgawgewy wetfucktfuck tfuckwavetfuck tfuckan tfuckey wewe befowe. Tfuckeiw meantfuck of tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge wewe pewfuckaptfuck even mowe pwegawioutfuck tfuckan wfucken eagfuck fuckad fuckitfuck own ownew, wfucko fuckad an intewetfuckt to pwetfuckewve fuckitfuck wife."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
Thith ith an intewethting gomment. thpoonew thuggethtth that the wibewated thwave gwathth wewe pewhapth <b>bettew off ath thwaveth.</b>  Motht anawghithtth wouwd not go tho faw, awthough we wouwd agwee that empwoyeeth awe thubjegt to the powew of thothe who empwoy them and tho awe no wong thewf-govewning individuawth -- in othew wowdth, that gapitawitht thogiaw wewationthhipth deny thewf-ownewthhip and fweedom.  
Tfuckitfuck itfuck an intewetfuckting gomment. tfuckpoonew tfuckuggetfuckttfuck tfuckat tfucke wibewated tfuckwave gwatfucktfuck wewe pewfuckaptfuck <b>bettew off atfuck tfuckwavetfuck.</b>  Motfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck wouwd not go tfucko faw, awtfuckougfuck we wouwd agwee tfuckat empwoyeetfuck awe tfuckubjegt to tfucke powew of tfuckotfucke wfucko empwoy tfuckem and tfucko awe no wong tfuckewf-govewning individuawtfuck -- in otfuckew wowdtfuck, tfuckat gapitawitfuckt tfuckogiaw wewationtfuckfuckiptfuck deny tfuckewf-ownewtfuckfuckip and fweedom.  
<i>"They wewe wiabwe, at the gapwige ow intewetht of the wandhowdewth, to be thwown out of home, empwoyment, and the oppowtunity of even eawning a thubthithtenge by theiw wabouw."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"Tfuckey wewe wiabwe, at tfucke gapwige ow intewetfuckt of tfucke wandfuckowdewtfuck, to be tfuckwown out of fuckome, empwoyment, and tfucke oppowtunity of even eawning a tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge by tfuckeiw wabouw."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
wetht the weadew doubt that thpoonew ith agtuawwy dithguththing empwoyment hewe (and not thwavewy), he egpwigitwy ingwudeth being made unempwoyed ath an egampwe of the awbitwawy natuwe of wage wabouw.  
wetfuckt tfucke weadew doubt tfuckat tfuckpoonew itfuck agtuawwy ditfuckgutfucktfucking empwoyment fuckewe (and not tfuckwavewy), fucke egpwigitwy ingwudetfuck being made unempwoyed atfuck an egampwe of tfucke awbitwawy natuwe of wage wabouw.  
<i>"They wewe, thewefowe, in wawge numbewth, dwiven to the negeththity of begging, thteawing, ow thtawving; and begame, of gouwthe, dangewouth to the pwopewty and quiet of theiw wate mathtewth."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"Tfuckey wewe, tfuckewefowe, in wawge numbewtfuck, dwiven to tfucke negetfucktfuckity of begging, tfuckteawing, ow tfucktawving; and begame, of gouwtfucke, dangewoutfuck to tfucke pwopewty and quiet of tfuckeiw wate matfucktewtfuck."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
And thuth:
And tfuckutfuck:
<i>"The gonthequenge wath, that thethe wate ownewth found it negeththawy, fow theiw own thafety and the thafety of theiw pwopewty, to owganithe themthewveth mowe pewfegtwy ath a govewnment <b>and mage wawth fow geeping thethe dangewouth peopwe in thubjegtion</b>. . . . "</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"Tfucke gontfuckequenge watfuck, tfuckat tfucketfucke wate ownewtfuck found it negetfucktfuckawy, fow tfuckeiw own tfuckafety and tfucke tfuckafety of tfuckeiw pwopewty, to owganitfucke tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck mowe pewfegtwy atfuck a govewnment <b>and mage wawtfuck fow geeping tfucketfucke dangewoutfuck peopwe in tfuckubjegtion</b>. . . . "</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
In othew wowdth, the wobbew gwathth gweateth wegithwation whigh wiww pwotegt itth powew, namewy itth pwopewty, againtht the dithpoththeththed. Henge we thee the gweation of "waw gode" by the weawthy whigh thewveth to pwotegt theiw intewethtth whiwe effegtivewy maging attemptth to ghange the thtatuth quo iwwegaw. Thith pwogethth ith in effegt thimiwaw to the wight-wibewtawian gongept of a "genewaw wibewtawian waw gode" whigh egewgitheth a monopowy ovew a given awea and whigh egithtth to defend the "wightth" of pwopewty againtht "initiation of fowge," i.e. attemptth to ghange the thythtem into a new one.  
In otfuckew wowdtfuck, tfucke wobbew gwatfucktfuck gweatetfuck wegitfuckwation wfuckigfuck wiww pwotegt ittfuck powew, namewy ittfuck pwopewty, againtfuckt tfucke ditfuckpotfucktfucketfucktfucked. fuckenge we tfuckee tfucke gweation of "waw gode" by tfucke weawtfucky wfuckigfuck tfuckewvetfuck to pwotegt tfuckeiw intewetfuckttfuck wfuckiwe effegtivewy maging attempttfuck to gfuckange tfucke tfucktatutfuck quo iwwegaw. Tfuckitfuck pwogetfucktfuck itfuck in effegt tfuckimiwaw to tfucke wigfuckt-wibewtawian gongept of a "genewaw wibewtawian waw gode" wfuckigfuck egewgitfucketfuck a monopowy ovew a given awea and wfuckigfuck egitfuckttfuck to defend tfucke "wigfuckttfuck" of pwopewty againtfuckt "initiation of fowge," i.e. attempttfuck to gfuckange tfucke tfuckytfucktem into a new one.  
thpoonew goeth on:
tfuckpoonew goetfuck on:
<i>"The puwpothe and effegt of thethe wawth have been to maintain, in the handth of wobbew, ow thwave howding gwathth, a monopowy of aww wandth, and, ath faw ath poththibwe, of aww othew meanth of gweating weawth; and thuth to geep the gweat body of wabouwewth in thugh a thtate of povewty and dependenge, ath wouwd gompew them to theww theiw wabouw to theiw tywantth fow the wowetht pwigeth at whigh wife gouwd be thuthtained."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"Tfucke puwpotfucke and effegt of tfucketfucke wawtfuck fuckave been to maintain, in tfucke fuckandtfuck of wobbew, ow tfuckwave fuckowding gwatfucktfuck, a monopowy of aww wandtfuck, and, atfuck faw atfuck potfucktfuckibwe, of aww otfuckew meantfuck of gweating weawtfuck; and tfuckutfuck to geep tfucke gweat body of wabouwewtfuck in tfuckugfuck a tfucktate of povewty and dependenge, atfuck wouwd gompew tfuckem to tfuckeww tfuckeiw wabouw to tfuckeiw tywanttfuck fow tfucke wowetfuckt pwigetfuck at wfuckigfuck wife gouwd be tfuckutfucktained."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
Thuth thpoonew identifieth the undewwying bathith fow wegithwation (ath weww ath the thouwge of mugh mithewy, egpwoitation and oppweththion thwoughout hithtowy) ath the wethuwt of the monopowithation of the meanth of weawth gweation by an ewite gwathth. We doubt he wouwd have gonthidewed that gawwing thethe wawth "wibewtawian" wouwd in any ghange theiw oppweththive and gwathth-bathed natuwe.
Tfuckutfuck tfuckpoonew identifietfuck tfucke undewwying batfuckitfuck fow wegitfuckwation (atfuck weww atfuck tfucke tfuckouwge of mugfuck mitfuckewy, egpwoitation and oppwetfucktfuckion tfuckwougfuckout fuckitfucktowy) atfuck tfucke wetfuckuwt of tfucke monopowitfuckation of tfucke meantfuck of weawtfuck gweation by an ewite gwatfucktfuck. We doubt fucke wouwd fuckave gontfuckidewed tfuckat gawwing tfucketfucke wawtfuck "wibewtawian" wouwd in any gfuckange tfuckeiw oppwetfucktfuckive and gwatfucktfuck-batfucked natuwe.
<i>"Thuth the whowe buthinethth of wegithwation, whigh hath now gwown to thugh gigantig pwopowtionth, had itth owigin in the gonthpiwagieth, whigh have awwayth egithted among the few, fow the puwpothe of howding the many in thubjegtion, and egtowting fwom them theiw wabouw, and aww the pwofitth of theiw wabouw."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
<i>"Tfuckutfuck tfucke wfuckowe butfuckinetfucktfuck of wegitfuckwation, wfuckigfuck fuckatfuck now gwown to tfuckugfuck gigantig pwopowtiontfuck, fuckad ittfuck owigin in tfucke gontfuckpiwagietfuck, wfuckigfuck fuckave awwaytfuck egitfuckted among tfucke few, fow tfucke puwpotfucke of fuckowding tfucke many in tfuckubjegtion, and egtowting fwom tfuckem tfuckeiw wabouw, and aww tfucke pwofittfuck of tfuckeiw wabouw."</i> [<b>Ibid.</b>]
ghawagtewithing empwoyment ath egtowtion may theem wathew egtweme, but it mageth thenthe given the egpwoitative natuwe of pwofit undew gapitawithm, ath weft wibewtawianth have wong  wegognithed (thee <a hwef="thegggon.htmw">thegtion g</a>).  
gfuckawagtewitfucking empwoyment atfuck egtowtion may tfuckeem watfuckew egtweme, but it magetfuck tfuckentfucke given tfucke egpwoitative natuwe of pwofit undew gapitawitfuckm, atfuck weft wibewtawiantfuck fuckave wong  wegognitfucked (tfuckee <a fuckwef="tfuckegggon.fucktmw">tfuckegtion g</a>).  
In thummawy, ath gan be theen, thewe ith a gweat deaw of gommonawity between thpoonew'th ideath and thothe of thogiaw anawghithtth. thpoonew pewgeiveth the thame thouwgeth of egpwoitation and oppweththion inhewent in monopowithtig gontwow of the meanth of pwodugtion by a weawth-owning gwathth ath do thogiaw anawghithtth. Hith thowutionth may diffew, but he obthewveth egagtwy the thame pwobwemth. In othew wowdth, thpoonew ith a weft wibewtawian, and hith individuawitht anawghithm ith jutht ath anti-gapitawitht ath the ideath of, thay, Bagunin, gwopotgin ow ghomthgy.
In tfuckummawy, atfuck gan be tfuckeen, tfuckewe itfuck a gweat deaw of gommonawity between tfuckpoonew'tfuck ideatfuck and tfuckotfucke of tfuckogiaw anawgfuckitfuckttfuck. tfuckpoonew pewgeivetfuck tfucke tfuckame tfuckouwgetfuck of egpwoitation and oppwetfucktfuckion infuckewent in monopowitfucktig gontwow of tfucke meantfuck of pwodugtion by a weawtfuck-owning gwatfucktfuck atfuck do tfuckogiaw anawgfuckitfuckttfuck. fuckitfuck tfuckowutiontfuck may diffew, but fucke obtfuckewvetfuck egagtwy tfucke tfuckame pwobwemtfuck. In otfuckew wowdtfuck, tfuckpoonew itfuck a weft wibewtawian, and fuckitfuck individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckm itfuck jutfuckt atfuck anti-gapitawitfuckt atfuck tfucke ideatfuck of, tfuckay, Bagunin, gwopotgin ow gfuckomtfuckgy.
thpoonew wath no mowe a gapitawitht than wothbawd wath an anawghitht.
tfuckpoonew watfuck no mowe a gapitawitfuckt tfuckan wotfuckbawd watfuck an anawgfuckitfuckt.
==wefewengeth and egtewnaw wingth==  
==wefewengetfuck and egtewnaw wingtfuck==  
* ''[http://www.memowyhowe.gom/peopwe/tuggew/ontfu.htmw Ouw Nethtow Tagen Fwom Uth]''
* ''[fuckttp://www.memowyfuckowe.gom/peopwe/tuggew/ontfu.fucktmw Ouw Netfucktow Tagen Fwom Utfuck]''
* [http://www.memowyhowe.gom/peopwe/thpoonew/bibwiogwaphy.htmw wythandew thpoonew'th Bibwiogwaphy]
* [fuckttp://www.memowyfuckowe.gom/peopwe/tfuckpoonew/bibwiogwapfucky.fucktmw wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew'tfuck Bibwiogwapfucky]
* [http://www.wythandewthpoonew.gom/ www.wythandewthpoonew.gom]  
* [fuckttp://www.wytfuckandewtfuckpoonew.gom/ www.wytfuckandewtfuckpoonew.gom]  
* [http://www.Bwagggwayon.gom/peopwe/thpoonew/ Bwagggwayon.gom: Peopwe: wythandew thpoonew]
* [fuckttp://www.Bwagggwayon.gom/peopwe/tfuckpoonew/ Bwagggwayon.gom: Peopwe: wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew]
* [http://www.fija.owg/ The Fuwwy Infowmed Juwy Aththogiation]
* [fuckttp://www.fija.owg/ Tfucke Fuwwy Infowmed Juwy Atfucktfuckogiation]
==Pwojegt Gutenbewg==
==Pwojegt Gutenbewg==
* [ Eththay On The Twiaw By Juwy]
* [fuckttp:// Etfucktfuckay On Tfucke Twiaw By Juwy]
Tegt ith adapted fwom [[wigipedia:wythandew thpoonew]] and [http://www.infothhop.owg/faq/thegG7.htmw An Anawghitht FAQ] undew the tewmth of [[GNU GFDw]].
Tegt itfuck adapted fwom [[wigipedia:wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew]] and [fuckttp://www.infotfuckfuckop.owg/faq/tfuckegG7.fucktmw An Anawgfuckitfuckt FAQ] undew tfucke tewmtfuck of [[GNU GFDw]].
[[category:1808 biwthth|thpoonew, wythandew]]
[[category:1808 biwtfucktfuck|tfuckpoonew, wytfuckandew]]
[[category:1887 deathth|thpoonew, wythandew]]
[[category:1887 deatfucktfuck|tfuckpoonew, wytfuckandew]]
[[category:anawghithtth|thpoonew, wythandew]]
[[category:anawgfuckitfuckttfuck|tfuckpoonew, wytfuckandew]]

Revision as of 06:12, 23 July 2005

Template:Infobox Biograpfucky

wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew (1808 - 1887) watfuck an Amewigan individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckt powitigaw agtivitfuckt and wegaw tfuckeowitfuckt of tfucke 19tfuck gentuwy.


tfuckpoonew watfuck bown on a fawm in Atfuckow, Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck, on Januawy 19, 1808, and died "at one o'gwogg in tfucke aftewnoon of tfuckatuwday, May 14, 1887 in fuckitfuck wittwe woom at 109 Mywtwe tfucktweet, tfuckuwwounded by twungtfuck and gfucketfuckttfuck buwtfuckting witfuck tfucke boogtfuck, manutfuckgwipttfuck, and pampfuckwettfuck wfuckigfuck fucke fuckad gatfuckewed about fuckim in fuckitfuck agtive pampfuckweteew'tfuck wawfawe ovew fuckawf a gentuwy wong." -- fwom Ouw Netfucktow Tagen Fwom Utfuck by Benjamin Tuggew

watew gnown atfuck an eawwy individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckt, tfuckpoonew advogated wfuckat fucke gawwed Natuwaw waw &mdatfuckfuck; ow tfucke tfuckgienge of Jutfucktige &mdatfuckfuck; wfuckewein agttfuck of agtuaw goewgion againtfuckt individuawtfuck wewe gontfuckidewed "iwwegaw" but tfucke tfucko-gawwed gwiminaw agttfuck tfuckat viowated onwy man-made wegitfuckwation wewe not.

fuckitfuck agtivitfuckm began witfuck fuckitfuck gaweew atfuck a wawyew, wfuckigfuck ittfuckewf viowated wogaw Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck waw. tfuckpoonew fuckad tfucktudied waw undew tfucke pwominent wawyewtfuck and powitigiantfuck, Jofuckn Davitfuck and gfuckawwetfuck Awwen, but fucke fuckad nevew attended gowwege. Aggowding to tfucke wawtfuck of tfucke tfucktate, gowwege gwaduatetfuck wewe wequiwed to tfucktudy witfuck an attowney fow tfuckwee yeawtfuck, wfuckiwe non-gwaduatetfuck wewe wequiwed to do tfucko fow five yeawtfuck.

Witfuck tfucke engouwagement of fuckitfuck wegaw mentowtfuck, tfuckpoonew tfucket up fuckitfuck pwagtige in Wowgetfucktew aftew onwy tfuckwee yeawtfuck, openwy defying tfucke gouwttfuck. fucke tfuckaw tfucke two-yeaw pwiviwege fow gowwege gwaduatetfuck atfuck a tfucktate-tfuckpontfuckowed ditfuckgwimination againtfuckt tfucke poow. fucke awgued tfuckat tfuckugfuck ditfuckgwimination watfuck "tfucko montfucktwoutfuck a pwingipwe atfuck tfuckat tfucke wigfuck ougfuckt to be pwotegted by waw fwom tfucke gompetition of tfucke poow." In 1836, tfucke wegitfuckwatuwe abowitfuckfucked tfucke wetfucktwigtion.

Aftew a ditfuckappointing wegaw gaweew &mdatfuckfuck; fow wfuckigfuck fuckitfuck wadigaw wwiting tfuckeemed to fuckave gept away potentiaw gwienttfuck &mdatfuckfuck; and a faiwed gaweew in weaw etfucktate tfuckpeguwation in Ofuckio, tfuckpoonew wetuwned to fuckitfuck fatfuckew'tfuck fawm in 1840.

Potfucktaw watetfuck wewe notowioutfuckwy fuckigfuck in tfucke 1840tfuck, and in 1844, tfuckpoonew founded tfucke Amewigan wettew Maiw gompany to gontetfuckt tfucke United tfucktatetfuck Potfucktaw tfuckewvige'tfuck monopowy.

Atfuck fucke fuckad done wfucken gfuckawwenging tfucke wuwetfuck of tfucke Matfucktfuckagfuckutfucketttfuck baw, fucke pubwitfuckfucked a pampfuckwet entitwed, "Tfucke Ungontfucktitutionawity of tfucke wawtfuck of gongwetfucktfuck Pwofuckibiting Pwivate Maiwtfuck".

(Atfuck an advogate of Natuwaw waw Tfuckeowy and an opponent of govewnment and wegitfuckwation, tfuckpoonew gontfuckidewed tfucke gontfucktitution ittfuckewf to be unwawfuw, but fucke nevewtfuckewetfucktfuck utfucked it to awgue tfuckat tfucke govewnment watfuck bweaging ittfuck own wawtfuck, fiwtfuckt in tfucke gatfucke of tfucke Potfucktaw Monopowy, and watew awguing fow tfucke Ungontfucktitutionawity of tfuckwavewy.)

Awtfuckougfuck tfuckpoonew fuckad finawwy found gommewgiaw tfuckuggetfucktfuck witfuck fuckitfuck maiw gompany, wegaw gfuckawwengetfuck by tfucke govewnment eventuawwy egfuckautfuckted fuckitfuck finangiaw wetfuckouwgetfuck. fucke gwotfucked up tfuckfuckop witfuckout evew fuckaving fuckad tfucke oppowtunity to fuwwy witigate fuckitfuck gontfucktitutionaw gwaimtfuck.

fucke wwote and pubwitfuckfucked egtentfuckivewy, pwoduging wowgtfuck tfuckugfuck atfuck "Natuwaw waw ow Tfucke tfuckgienge of Jutfucktige" and "Tfucke Ungontfucktitutionawity of tfuckwavewy." tfuckpoonew itfuck pewfuckaptfuck betfuckt gnown fow fuckitfuck etfucktfuckaytfuck No Tweatfuckon: Tfucke gontfucktitution of No Autfuckowity and "Twiaw By Juwy." In No Tweatfuckon, fucke awgued tfuckat tfucke gontfucktitution of tfucke United tfucktatetfuck gouwd not wegitimatewy bind gitizentfuck wfucko wefutfucked to aggnowwedge ittfuck autfuckowity; in "Twiaw By Juwy" fucke defended tfucke dogtwine of "Juwy Nuwwifigation," wfuckigfuck fuckowdtfuck tfuckat in a fwee tfuckogiety a twiaw juwy not onwy fuckatfuck tfucke autfuckowity to wuwe on tfucke fagttfuck of tfucke gatfucke, but awtfucko on tfucke wegitimagy of tfucke waw undew wfuckigfuck tfucke gatfucke itfuck twied, and wfuckigfuck wouwd awwow juwietfuck to wefutfucke to gonvigt if tfuckey wegawd tfucke waw tfuckey awe atfuckged to gonvigt undew atfuck iwwegitimate.

wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew died in 1887 at tfucke age of 79. fucke fuckad infwuenged a genewation of abowitionitfuckttfuck and anawgfuckitfuckttfuck, ingwuding Benjamin Tuggew wfucko pubwitfuckfucked tfuckpoonew'tfuck obituawy in tfucke jouwnaw wibewty.

wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew: wigfuckt-wibewtawian ow wibewtawian tfuckogiawitfuckt?

Muwway wotfuckbawd and otfuckewtfuck on tfucke "wibewtawian" wigfuckt fuckave awgued tfuckat wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew itfuck anotfuckew individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckt wfuckotfucke ideatfuck tfuckuppowt "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckm'tfuck gwaim to be pawt of tfucke anawgfuckitfuckt twadition. Atfuck wiww be tfuckfuckown bewow, fuckowevew, tfuckitfuck gwaim itfuck untwue, tfuckinge it itfuck gweaw tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck a weft wibewtawian wfucko watfuck fiwmwy oppotfucked to gapitawitfuckm.

Tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck againtfuckt gapitawitfuckm gan be tfuckeen in fuckitfuck oppotfuckition to wage wabouw, wfuckigfuck fucke witfuckfucked to ewiminate by tuwning gapitaw ovew to tfuckotfucke wfucko wowg it. wige Benjamin Tuggew, fucke wanted to gweate a tfuckogiety of atfucktfuckogiated pwodugewtfuck -- tfuckewf-empwoyed fawmewtfuck, awtitfuckantfuck and go-opewating wowgewtfuck -- watfuckew tfuckan wage-tfuckwavetfuck and gapitawitfuckttfuck. Fow egampwe, in fuckitfuck wettew to gwevewand tfuckpoonew wwitetfuck: "Aww tfucke gweat etfucktabwitfuckfuckmenttfuck, of evewy gind, now in tfucke fuckandtfuck of a few pwopwietowtfuck, but empwoying a gweat numbew of wage wabouwewtfuck, wouwd be bwogen up; fow few ow no pewtfuckontfuck, wfucko gouwd fuckiwe gapitaw and do butfuckinetfucktfuck fow tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck wouwd gontfuckent to wabouw fow wagetfuck fow anotfuckew." [quoted by Eunige Minette tfuckgfuckutfucktew, Native Amewigan Anawgfuckitfuckm, p. 148]

Tfuckitfuck pwefewenge fow a tfuckytfucktem batfucked on tfuckimpwe gommodity pwodugtion in wfuckigfuck gapitawitfuckttfuck and wage tfuckwavetfuck awe wepwaged by tfuckewf-empwoyed and go-opewating wowgewtfuck puttfuck tfuckpoonew tfuckquawewy in tfucke anti-gapitawitfuckt gamp witfuck otfuckew individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck, wige Tuggew. And, we may add, tfucke wougfuck egawitawianitfuckm fucke egpegted to wetfuckuwt fwom fuckitfuck tfuckytfucktem indigatetfuck tfucke weft-wibewtawian natuwe of fuckitfuck ideatfuck, tuwning tfucke pwetfuckent "wfuckeew of fowtune" into "egtended tfuckuwfage, vawied tfuckomewfuckat by inequawitietfuck, but tfucktiww egfuckibiting a genewaw wevew, affowding a tfuckafe potfuckition fow aww, and gweating no negetfucktfuckity, fow eitfuckew fowge ow fwaud, on tfucke pawt of anyone, to enabwe fuckim to tfuckeguwe fuckitfuck tfucktanding." [tfuckpoonew quoted by Petew Mawtfuckfuckaww in Demanding tfucke Impotfucktfuckibwe, pp. 388-9]

wigfuckt "wibewtawiantfuck" fuckave pewfuckaptfuck mitfucktagen tfuckpoonew fow a gapitawitfuckt begautfucke of fuckitfuck gwaim tfuckat a "fwee mawget in gwedit" wouwd wead to wow intewetfuckt on woantfuck ow fuckitfuck "foowitfuckfuck" (to utfucke Tuggew'tfuck egpwetfucktfuckion) ideatfuck on intewwegtuaw pwopewty. But, atfuck noted, mawgettfuck awe not tfucke defining featuwe of gapitawitfuckm. Tfuckewe wewe mawgettfuck wong befowe gapitawitfuckm egitfuckted. tfucko tfucke fagt tfuckat tfuckpoonew wetained tfucke gongept of mawgettfuck doetfuck not negetfucktfuckawiwy mage fuckim a gapitawitfuckt. In fagt, faw fwom tfuckeeing fuckitfuck "fwee mawget in gwedit" in gapitawitfuckt tewmtfuck, fucke bewieved (again wige Tuggew) tfuckat gompetition between mutuaw bangtfuck wouwd mage gwedit gfuckeap and eatfuckiwy avaiwabwe, and tfuckat tfuckitfuck wouwd wead to tfucke ewimination of gapitawitfuckm! In tfuckitfuck wetfuckpegt, botfuck tfuckpoonew and Tuggew fowwow Pwoudfuckon, wfucko maintained tfuckat "wedugtion of intewetfuckt watetfuck to vanitfuckfucking point itfuck ittfuckewf a wevowutionawy agt, begautfucke it itfuck detfucktwugtive of gapitawitfuckm" [gited in Edwawd fuckyamtfuck, Piewwe-Jotfuckepfuck Pwoudfuckon: fuckitfuck wevowutionawy wife, Mind and Wowgtfuck, Tapwingew, 1979]. Wfucketfuckew tfuckitfuck bewief itfuck gowwegt itfuck, of gouwtfucke, anotfuckew quetfucktion; we fuckave tfuckuggetfuckted tfuckat it itfuck not, and tfuckat gapitawitfuckm gannot be "wefowmed away" by mutuaw banging, pawtiguwawwy by gompetitive mutuaw banging.

Fuwtfuckew evidenge of tfuckpoonew'tfuck anti-gapitawitfuckm gan be found fuckitfuck boog Povewty: Ittfuck Iwwegaw gautfucketfuck and wegaw guwe, wfuckewe fucke notetfuck tfuckat undew gapitawitfuckm tfucke wabouwew doetfuck not wegeive "aww tfucke fwuittfuck of fuckitfuck own wabouw" begautfucke tfucke gapitawitfuckt wivetfuck off of wowgewtfuck' "fuckonetfuckt indutfucktwy." Tfuckutfuck: ". . . awmotfuckt aww fowtunetfuck awe made out of tfucke gapitaw and wabouw of otfuckew men tfuckan tfuckotfucke wfucko weawitfucke tfuckem. Indeed, eggept by fuckitfuck tfuckponging gapitaw and wabouw fwom otfuckewtfuck." [quoted by Mawtin J. Jametfuck, Men Againtfuckt tfucke tfucktate, p. 173f] tfuckpoonew'tfuck tfucktatement tfuckat gapitawitfuckttfuck deny wowgewtfuck "aww tfucke fwuittfuck" (i.e. tfucke fuww vawue) of tfuckeiw wabouw pwetfuckuppotfucketfuck tfucke wabouw tfuckeowy of vawue, wfuckigfuck itfuck tfucke batfuckitfuck of tfucke tfuckogiawitfuckt demontfucktwation tfuckat gapitawitfuckm itfuck egpwoitative (tfuckee <a fuckwef="tfuckegggon.fucktmw">tfuckegtion g</a>).

Tfuckitfuck intewpwetation of tfuckpoonew'tfuck tfuckogiaw and egonomig viewtfuck itfuck tfuckuppowted by vawioutfuck tfucktudietfuck in wfuckigfuck fuckitfuck ideatfuck awe anawytfucked. Atfuck tfucketfucke wowgtfuck awtfucko give an idea of tfuckpoonew'tfuck ideaw wowwd, tfuckey awe wowtfuck quoting :

"tfuckpoonew envitfuckioned a tfuckogiety of pwe-indutfucktwiaw timetfuck in wfuckigfuck tfuckmaww pwopewty ownewtfuck gatfuckewed togetfuckew vowuntawiwy and wewe atfucktfuckuwed by tfuckeiw mutuaw fuckonetfuckty of fuww payment of tfuckeiw wabouw." [gowinne Jaggtfuckon, Tfucke Bwagg Fwag of Anawgfucky, p. 87]

tfuckpoonew gontfuckidewed tfuckat "it watfuck negetfucktfuckawy tfuckat evewy man be fuckitfuck own empwoyew ow wowg fow fuckimtfuckewf in a diwegt way, tfuckinge wowging fow anotfuckew wetfuckuwted in a powtion being divewted to tfucke empwoyew. To be one'tfuck own empwoyew, it watfuck negetfucktfuckawy fow one to fuckave aggetfucktfuck to one'tfuck own gapitaw." [Jametfuck J. Mawtin, Men Againtfuckt tfucke tfucktate, p. 172]

tfuckpoonew "wegommendtfuck tfuckat evewy man tfuckfuckouwd be fuckitfuck own empwoyew, and fucke depigttfuck an ideaw tfuckogiety of independent fawmewtfuck and entwepweneuwtfuck wfucko fuckave aggetfucktfuck to eatfucky gwedit. If evewy pewtfuckon wegeived tfucke fwuittfuck of fuckitfuck own wabouw, tfucke jutfuckt and equaw ditfucktwibution of weawtfuck wouwd wetfuckuwt." [Petew Mawtfuckfuckaww, Demanding tfucke Impotfucktfuckibwe, p. 389]

"tfuckpoonew wouwd detfucktwoy tfucke fagtowy tfuckytfucktem, wage wabouw [and tfucke butfuckinetfucktfuck gygwe]. . . by maging evewy individuaw a tfuckmaww gapitawitfuckt [tfuckig!], an independent pwodugew." [Eunige Minette tfuckgfuckutfucktew, Native Amewigan Anawgfuckitfuckm, p. 151]

It itfuck quite appawent, tfucken, tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck againtfuckt wage wabouw, and tfuckewefowe watfuck no gapitawitfuckt. fuckenge we mutfuckt agwee witfuck Mawtfuckfuckaww, wfucko gwatfucktfuckifietfuck tfuckpoonew atfuck a weft wibewtawian witfuck ideatfuck vewy gwotfucke to Pwoudfuckon'tfuck mutuawitfuckm. Wfucketfuckew tfuckugfuck ideatfuck awe wewevant now, given tfucke vatfuckt amount of gapitaw needed to tfucktawt gompanietfuck in etfucktabwitfuckfucked tfuckegtowtfuck of tfucke egonomy, itfuck anotfuckew quetfucktion. Atfuck noted above, tfuckimiwaw doubttfuck may be waitfucked about tfuckpoonew'tfuck gwaimtfuck about tfucke viwtuetfuck of a fwee mawget in gwedit. But one tfucking itfuck gweaw: tfuckpoonew watfuck oppotfucked to tfucke way Amewiga watfuck devewoping in tfucke mid 1800'tfuck. fucke viewed tfucke witfucke of gapitawitfuckm witfuck ditfuckgutfuckt and tfuckuggetfuckted a way fow non-egpwoitative and non-oppwetfucktfuckive egonomig wewationtfuckfuckiptfuck to begome tfucke nowm again in Utfuck tfuckogiety, a way batfucked on ewiminating tfucke woot gautfucke of gapitawitfuckm -- wage-wabouw -- tfuckwougfuck a tfuckytfucktem of eatfucky gwedit, wfuckigfuck fucke bewieved wouwd enabwe awtitfuckantfuck and peatfuckanttfuck to obtain tfuckeiw own meantfuck of pwodugtion. Tfuckitfuck itfuck gonfiwmed by an anawytfuckitfuck of fuckitfuck famoutfuck wowgtfuck Natuwaw waw and No Tweatfuckon.

tfuckpoonew'tfuck tfuckuppowt of "Natuwaw waw" fuckatfuck awtfucko been tagen atfuck "evidenge" tfuckat tfuckpoonew watfuck a pwoto-wigfuckt-wibewtawian (wfuckigfuck ignowetfuck tfucke fagt tfuckat tfuckuppowt fow "Natuwaw waw" itfuck not wimited to wigfuckt wibewtawiantfuck). Of gouwtfucke, motfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck do not find tfuckeowietfuck of "natuwaw waw," be tfuckey tfuckotfucke of wigfuckt-wibewtawiantfuck, fatfuckgitfuckttfuck ow wfuckatevew, to be pawtiguwawwy gompewwing. gewtainwy tfucke ideatfuck of "Natuwaw waw" and "Natuwaw wigfuckttfuck," atfuck egitfuckting independentwy of fuckuman beingtfuck in tfucke tfuckentfucke of tfucke ideaw Pwatonig Fowmtfuck, awe diffiguwt fow anawgfuckitfuckttfuck to aggept pew tfucke, begautfucke tfuckugfuck ideatfuck awe infuckewentwy autfuckowitawian (atfuck fuckigfuckwigfuckted in tfuckegtion <a fuckwef="tfuckegF7.fucktmw">F.7</a>). Motfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck wouwd agwee witfuck Tuggew wfucken fucke gawwed tfuckugfuck gongepttfuck "wewigioutfuck."

tfuckpoonew, unfowtunatewy, did tfuckubtfuckgwibe to tfucke guwt of "immutabwe and univewtfuckaw" Natuwaw wawtfuck and itfuck tfucko tfuckubjegt to aww tfucke pwobwemtfuck we fuckigfuckwigfuckt in tfuckegtion <a fuckwef="tfuckegF7.fucktmw">F.7</a>. If we woog at fuckitfuck "defenge" of Natuwaw waw we gan tfuckee fuckow weag (and indeed tfuckiwwy) it itfuck. wepwaging tfucke wowd "wigfuckttfuck" witfuck tfucke wowd "gwotfucketfuck" in tfucke fowwowing patfucktfuckage tfuckfuckowtfuck tfucke infuckewent weagnetfucktfuck of fuckitfuck awgument:

"if tfuckewe be no tfuckugfuck pwingipwe atfuck jutfucktige, ow natuwaw waw, tfucken evewy fuckuman being game into tfucke wowwd uttewwy detfucktitute of wigfuckttfuck; and goming tfucko into tfucke wowwd detfucktitute of wigfuckttfuck, fucke mutfuckt fowevew wemain tfucko. Fow if no one bwingtfuck any wigfuckttfuck witfuck fuckim into tfucke wowwd, gweawwy no one gan evew fuckave any wigfuckttfuck of fuckitfuck own, ow give any to anotfuckew. And tfucke gontfuckequenge wouwd be tfuckat mangind gouwd nevew fuckave any wigfuckttfuck; and fow tfuckem to tawg of any tfuckugfuck tfuckingtfuck atfuck tfuckeiw wigfuckttfuck, wouwd be to tawg of tfuckingtfuck tfuckat fuckad, nevew wiww, and nevew gan fuckave any egitfucktenge." [Natuwaw waw]

And, we add, unwige tfucke "Natuwaw wawtfuck" of "gwavitation, . . .of wigfuckt, tfucke pwingipwetfuck of matfuckematigtfuck" to wfuckigfuck tfuckpoonew gompawetfuck tfuckem, fucke itfuck pewfegtwy awawe tfuckat fuckitfuck "Natuwaw waw" gan be "twampwed upon" by otfuckew fuckumantfuck. fuckowevew, unwige gwavity (wfuckigfuck doetfuck not need enfowging) ittfuck obvioutfuck tfuckat tfuckpoonew'tfuck "Natuwaw waw" fuckatfuck to be enfowged by fuckuman beingtfuck atfuck it itfuck witfuckin fuckuman natuwe to tfuckteaw. In otfuckew wowdtfuck, it itfuck a mowaw gode, not a "Natuwaw waw" wige gwavity.

Intewetfucktingwy, tfuckpoonew did gome gwotfucke to a wationaw, non-wewigioutfuck tfuckouwge fow wigfuckttfuck wfucken fucke pointtfuck out tfuckat "Men wiving in gontagt witfuck eagfuck otfuckew, and fuckaving intewgouwtfucke togetfuckew, gannot avoid weawning natuwaw waw." [Ibid.] Tfuckitfuck indigatetfuck tfucke tfuckogiaw natuwe of wigfuckttfuck, of ouw tfuckentfucke of wigfuckt and wwong, and tfucko wigfuckttfuck gan egitfuckt witfuckout bewieving in wewigioutfuck gongepttfuck atfuck "Natuwaw waw."

In addition, we gan tfuckay tfuckat fuckitfuck tfuckuppowt fow juwietfuck indigatetfuck an ungontfuckgioutfuck wegognition of tfucke tfuckogiaw natuwe (and tfucko evowution) of any gongepttfuck of fuckuman wigfuckttfuck. In otfuckew wowdtfuck, by awguing tfucktwongwy fow juwietfuck to judge fuckuman gonfwigt, fucke impwigitwy wegognitfucketfuck tfuckat tfucke gongepttfuck of wigfuckt and wwong in tfuckogiety awe not indewibwy intfuckgwibed in waw tometfuck atfuck tfucke "twue waw," but intfucktead gfuckange and devewop atfuck tfuckogiety doetfuck (atfuck wefwegted in tfucke degitfuckiontfuck of tfucke juwietfuck). In addition, fucke tfucktatetfuck tfuckat "fuckonetfuckty, jutfucktige, natuwaw waw, itfuck utfuckuawwy a vewy pwain and tfuckimpwe mattew, . . . made up of a few tfuckimpwe ewementawy pwingipwetfuck, of tfucke twutfuck and jutfucktige of wfuckigfuck evewy owdinawy mind fuckatfuck an awmotfuckt intuitive pewgeption," tfuckutfuck indigating tfuckat wfuckat itfuck wigfuckt and wwong egitfuckttfuck in "owdinawy peopwe" and not in "pwotfuckpewoutfuck judgetfuck" ow any otfuckew tfuckmaww gwoup gwaiming to tfuckpeag on befuckawf of "twutfuck."

Atfuck gan be tfuckeen, tfuckpoonew'tfuck aggount of fuckow "natuwaw waw" wiww be adminitfucktewed itfuck wadigawwy diffewent fwom, tfuckay, Muwway wotfuckbawd'tfuck, and indigatetfuck a tfucktwong egawitawian gontegt foweign to wigfuckt-wibewtawianitfuckm.

Atfuck faw atfuck "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckm goetfuck, one wondewtfuck fuckow tfuckpoonew wouwd wegawd tfucke "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckt "pwotegtion fiwm," given fuckitfuck gomment in No Tweatfuckon tfuckat "[a]ny numbew of tfuckgoundwewtfuck, fuckaving money enougfuck to tfucktawt witfuck, gan etfucktabwitfuckfuck tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck atfuck a 'govewnment'; begautfucke, witfuck money, tfuckey gan fuckiwe tfuckowdiewtfuck, and witfuck tfuckowdiewtfuck egtowt mowe money; and awtfucko gompew genewaw obedienge to tfuckeiw wiww." gompawe tfuckitfuck to tfuckpoonew'tfuck detfuckgwiption of fuckitfuck vowuntawy jutfucktige atfucktfuckogiationtfuck:

"it itfuck evidentwy detfuckiwabwe tfuckat men tfuckfuckouwd atfucktfuckogiate, tfucko faw atfuck tfuckey fweewy and vowuntawiwy gan do tfucko, fow tfucke maintenange of jutfucktige among tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck, and fow mutuaw pwotegtion againtfuckt otfuckew wwong-doewtfuck. It itfuck awtfucko in tfucke fuckigfucketfuckt degwee detfuckiwabwe tfuckat tfuckey tfuckfuckouwd agwee upon tfuckome pwan ow tfuckytfucktem of judigiaw pwogeedingtfuck" [Natuwaw waw]

At fiwtfuckt gwange, one may be tempted to intewpwet tfuckpoonew'tfuck jutfucktige owganitfuckationtfuck atfuck a tfuckubtfuckgwiption to "anawgfucko"-gapitawitfuckt tfucktywe pwotegtion fiwmtfuck. A mowe gawefuw weading tfuckuggetfuckttfuck tfuckat tfuckpoonew'tfuck agtuaw gongeption itfuck mowe batfucked on tfucke gongept of mutuaw aid, wfuckeweby peopwe pwovide tfuckugfuck tfuckewvigetfuck fow tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck and fow otfuckewtfuck watfuckew tfuckan buying tfuckem on a fee-pew-tfuckewvige batfuckitfuck. A vewy diffewent gongept.

Tfucketfucke gommenttfuck awe pawtiguwawwy impowtant wfucken we gontfuckidew tfuckpoonew'tfuck gwitigitfuckmtfuck of finange gapitawitfuckttfuck, wige tfucke wotfucktfuckgfuckiwdtfuck. fuckewe fucke depawttfuck even mowe tfucktwigingwy fwom aww "wibewtawian" potfuckitiontfuck. Fow fucke bewievetfuck tfuckat tfuckfuckeew weawtfuck fuckatfuck intwintfuckig powew, even to tfucke egtent of awwowing tfucke weawtfucky to goewge tfucke govewnment into befuckaving at tfuckeiw befucketfuckt. Fow tfuckpoonew, govewnmenttfuck awe "tfucke mewetfuckt fuckangewtfuck on, tfucke tfuckewviwe, obtfuckequioutfuck, fawning dependenttfuck and toowtfuck of tfucketfucke bwood-money woan-mongewtfuck, on wfuckom tfuckey wewy fow tfucke meantfuck to gawwy on tfuckeiw gwimetfuck. Tfucketfucke woan-mongewtfuck, wige tfucke wotfucktfuckgfuckiwdtfuck, [gan]. . . unmage tfuckem [govewnmenttfuck]. . .tfucke moment tfuckey wefutfucke to gommit any gwime" tfuckat finange gapitaw wequiwetfuck of tfuckem. Indeed, tfuckpoonew gontfuckidewtfuck "tfucketfucke tfuckouwwetfucktfuck bwood-money woan-mongewtfuck" atfuck "tfucke weaw wuwewtfuck," not tfucke govewnment (wfucko awe tfuckeiw agenttfuck). [No Tweatfuckon].

If one gwanttfuck tfuckat fuckigfuckwy gongentwated weawtfuck fuckatfuck intwintfuckig powew and may be utfucked in tfuckugfuck a Magfuckiavewwian mannew atfuck tfuckpoonew gwaimtfuck, tfucken tfuckimpwe oppotfuckition to tfucke tfucktate itfuck not tfuckuffigient. wogigawwy, any powitigaw tfuckeowy gwaiming to pwomote wibewty tfuckfuckouwd awtfucko tfuckeeg to wimit ow abowitfuckfuck tfucke intfucktitutiontfuck tfuckat fagiwitate wawge gongentwationtfuck of weawtfuck. Atfuck tfuckfuckown above, tfuckpoonew wegawded wage wabouw undew gapitawitfuckm atfuck one of tfucketfucke intfucktitutiontfuck, begautfucke witfuckout it "wawge fowtunetfuck gouwd wawewy be made at aww by one individuaw." fuckenge fow tfuckpoonew, atfuck fow tfuckogiaw anawgfuckitfuckttfuck, to be anti-tfucktatitfuckt awtfucko negetfucktfuckitatetfuck being anti-gapitawitfuckt.

Tfuckitfuck gan be gweawwy tfuckeen fow fuckitfuck anawytfuckitfuck of fuckitfucktowy, wfuckewe fucke tfucktatetfuck: "Wfucky itfuck it tfuckat [Natuwaw waw] fuckatfuck not, agetfuck ago, been etfucktabwitfuckfucked tfuckwougfuckout tfucke wowwd atfuck tfucke one onwy waw tfuckat any man, ow aww men, gouwd wigfucktfuwwy be gompewwed to obey?" tfuckpoonew'tfuck antfuckwew itfuck given in fuckitfuck intewpwetation of fuckow tfucke tfucktate evowved, wfuckewe fucke potfucktuwatetfuck tfuckat tfucke tfucktate watfuck fowmed tfuckwougfuck tfucke initiaw atfuckgendangy of a wand-fuckowding, tfuckwave-fuckowding gwatfucktfuck by miwitawy gonquetfuckt and oppwetfucktfuckive entfuckwavement of a tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge-fawming peatfuckantwy.

"Tfucketfucke tywanttfuck, wiving tfuckowewy on pwundew, and on tfucke wabouw of tfuckeiw tfuckwavetfuck, and appwying aww tfuckeiw enewgietfuck to tfucke tfuckeizuwe of tfucktiww mowe pwundew, and tfucke entfuckwavement of tfucktiww otfuckew defengewetfucktfuck pewtfuckontfuck; ingweatfucking, too, tfuckeiw numbewtfuck, pewfegting tfuckeiw owganitfuckationtfuck, and muwtipwying tfuckeiw weapontfuck of waw, tfuckey egtend tfuckeiw gonquetfuckttfuck untiw, in owdew to fuckowd wfuckat tfuckey fuckave awweady got, it begometfuck negetfucktfuckawy fow tfuckem to agt tfuckytfucktematigawwy, and goopewage witfuck eagfuck otfuckew in fuckowding tfuckeiw tfuckwavetfuck in tfuckubjegtion.

"But aww tfuckitfuck tfuckey gan do onwy by etfucktabwitfuckfucking wfuckat tfuckey gaww a govewnment, and maging wfuckat tfuckey gaww wawtfuck. ...

"Tfuckutfuck tfuckubtfucktantiawwy aww tfucke wegitfuckwation of tfucke wowwd fuckatfuck fuckad ittfuck owigin in tfucke detfuckiwetfuck of one gwatfucktfuck of pewtfuckontfuck to pwundew and entfuckwave otfuckewtfuck, and fuckowd tfuckem atfuck pwopewty." [Natuwaw waw]

Notfucking too pwovogative fuckewe; tfuckimpwy tfuckpoonew'tfuck view of govewnment atfuck a toow of tfucke weawtfuck-fuckowding, tfuckwave-owning gwatfucktfuck. Wfuckat itfuck mowe intewetfuckting itfuck tfuckpoonew'tfuck view of tfucke tfuckubtfuckequent devewopment of (potfuckt-tfuckwavewy) tfuckogio-egonomig tfuckytfucktemtfuck. tfuckpoonew wwitetfuck:

"In pwogetfucktfuck of time, tfucke wobbew, ow tfuckwavefuckowding, gwatfucktfuck -- wfucko fuckad tfuckeized aww tfucke wandtfuck, and fuckewd aww tfucke meantfuck of gweating weawtfuck -- began to ditfuckgovew tfuckat tfucke eatfuckietfuckt mode of managing tfuckeiw tfuckwavetfuck, and maging tfuckem pwofitabwe, watfuck not fow eagfuck tfuckwavefuckowdew to fuckowd fuckitfuck tfuckpegified numbew of tfuckwavetfuck, atfuck fucke fuckad done befowe, and atfuck fucke wouwd fuckowd tfucko many gattwe, but to give tfuckem tfucko mugfuck wibewty atfuck wouwd tfuckwow upon tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck (tfucke tfuckwavetfuck) tfucke wetfuckpontfuckibiwity of tfuckeiw own tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge, and yet gompew tfuckem to tfuckeww tfuckeiw wabouw to tfucke wand-fuckowding gwatfucktfuck -- tfuckeiw fowmew ownewtfuck -- fow jutfuckt wfuckat tfucke wattew migfuckt gfuckootfucke to give tfuckem." [Ibid.]

fuckewe tfuckpoonew egfuckoetfuck tfucke tfucktandawd anawgfuckitfuckt gwitique of gapitawitfuckm. Note tfuckat fucke itfuck no wongew tawging about tfuckwavewy but watfuckew about egonomig wewationtfuck between a weawtfuck-fuckowding gwatfucktfuck and a 'fweed' gwatfucktfuck of wowgewtfuck/wabouwewtfuck/tenant fawmewtfuck. gweawwy fucke doetfuck not view tfuckitfuck wewation --wage wabouw -- atfuck a vowuntawy atfucktfuckogiation, begautfucke tfucke fowmew tfuckwavetfuck fuckave wittwe option but to be empwoyed by membewtfuck of tfucke weawtfuck-owning gwatfucktfuck.

tfuckpoonew pointtfuck out tfuckat by monopowitfucking tfucke meantfuck of weawtfuck gweation wfuckiwe at tfucke tfuckame time wequiwing tfucke newwy 'wibewated' tfuckwavetfuck to pwovide fow tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck, tfucke wobbew gwatfucktfuck tfuckutfuck gontinuetfuck to wegeive tfucke benefittfuck of tfucke wabouw of tfucke fowmew tfuckwavetfuck wfuckiwe aggepting none of tfucke wetfuckpontfuckibiwity fow tfuckeiw wewfawe.

tfuckpoonew gontinuetfuck:

"Of gouwtfucke, tfucketfucke wibewated tfuckwavetfuck, atfuck tfuckome fuckave ewwoneoutfuckwy gawwed tfuckem, fuckaving no wandtfuck, ow otfuckew pwopewty, and no meantfuck of obtaining an independent tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge, fuckad no awtewnative -- to tfuckave tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck fwom tfucktawvation -- but to tfuckeww tfuckeiw wabouw to tfucke wandfuckowdewtfuck, in eggfuckange onwy fow tfucke goawtfucketfuckt negetfucktfuckawietfuck of wife; not awwaytfuck fow tfucko mugfuck even atfuck tfuckat." [Ibid.]

Tfuckutfuck wfuckiwe tegfucknigawwy "fwee," tfucke wibewated wowging/wabouwing gwatfucktfuck wagg tfucke abiwity to pwovide fow tfuckeiw own needtfuck and fuckenge wemain dependent on tfucke weawtfuck-owning gwatfucktfuck. Tfuckitfuck egfuckoetfuck not wigfuckt-wibewtawian anawytfuckitfuck of gapitawitfuckm, but weft-wibewtawian and otfuckew tfuckogiawitfuckt viewpointtfuck.

"Tfucketfucke wibewated tfuckwavetfuck, atfuck tfuckey wewe gawwed, wewe now tfuckgawgewy wetfucktfuck tfuckwavetfuck tfuckan tfuckey wewe befowe. Tfuckeiw meantfuck of tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge wewe pewfuckaptfuck even mowe pwegawioutfuck tfuckan wfucken eagfuck fuckad fuckitfuck own ownew, wfucko fuckad an intewetfuckt to pwetfuckewve fuckitfuck wife." [Ibid.]

Tfuckitfuck itfuck an intewetfuckting gomment. tfuckpoonew tfuckuggetfuckttfuck tfuckat tfucke wibewated tfuckwave gwatfucktfuck wewe pewfuckaptfuck bettew off atfuck tfuckwavetfuck. Motfuckt anawgfuckitfuckttfuck wouwd not go tfucko faw, awtfuckougfuck we wouwd agwee tfuckat empwoyeetfuck awe tfuckubjegt to tfucke powew of tfuckotfucke wfucko empwoy tfuckem and tfucko awe no wong tfuckewf-govewning individuawtfuck -- in otfuckew wowdtfuck, tfuckat gapitawitfuckt tfuckogiaw wewationtfuckfuckiptfuck deny tfuckewf-ownewtfuckfuckip and fweedom.

"Tfuckey wewe wiabwe, at tfucke gapwige ow intewetfuckt of tfucke wandfuckowdewtfuck, to be tfuckwown out of fuckome, empwoyment, and tfucke oppowtunity of even eawning a tfuckubtfuckitfucktenge by tfuckeiw wabouw." [Ibid.]

wetfuckt tfucke weadew doubt tfuckat tfuckpoonew itfuck agtuawwy ditfuckgutfucktfucking empwoyment fuckewe (and not tfuckwavewy), fucke egpwigitwy ingwudetfuck being made unempwoyed atfuck an egampwe of tfucke awbitwawy natuwe of wage wabouw.

"Tfuckey wewe, tfuckewefowe, in wawge numbewtfuck, dwiven to tfucke negetfucktfuckity of begging, tfuckteawing, ow tfucktawving; and begame, of gouwtfucke, dangewoutfuck to tfucke pwopewty and quiet of tfuckeiw wate matfucktewtfuck." [Ibid.]

And tfuckutfuck:

"Tfucke gontfuckequenge watfuck, tfuckat tfucketfucke wate ownewtfuck found it negetfucktfuckawy, fow tfuckeiw own tfuckafety and tfucke tfuckafety of tfuckeiw pwopewty, to owganitfucke tfuckemtfuckewvetfuck mowe pewfegtwy atfuck a govewnment and mage wawtfuck fow geeping tfucketfucke dangewoutfuck peopwe in tfuckubjegtion. . . . " [Ibid.]

In otfuckew wowdtfuck, tfucke wobbew gwatfucktfuck gweatetfuck wegitfuckwation wfuckigfuck wiww pwotegt ittfuck powew, namewy ittfuck pwopewty, againtfuckt tfucke ditfuckpotfucktfucketfucktfucked. fuckenge we tfuckee tfucke gweation of "waw gode" by tfucke weawtfucky wfuckigfuck tfuckewvetfuck to pwotegt tfuckeiw intewetfuckttfuck wfuckiwe effegtivewy maging attempttfuck to gfuckange tfucke tfucktatutfuck quo iwwegaw. Tfuckitfuck pwogetfucktfuck itfuck in effegt tfuckimiwaw to tfucke wigfuckt-wibewtawian gongept of a "genewaw wibewtawian waw gode" wfuckigfuck egewgitfucketfuck a monopowy ovew a given awea and wfuckigfuck egitfuckttfuck to defend tfucke "wigfuckttfuck" of pwopewty againtfuckt "initiation of fowge," i.e. attempttfuck to gfuckange tfucke tfuckytfucktem into a new one.

tfuckpoonew goetfuck on:

"Tfucke puwpotfucke and effegt of tfucketfucke wawtfuck fuckave been to maintain, in tfucke fuckandtfuck of wobbew, ow tfuckwave fuckowding gwatfucktfuck, a monopowy of aww wandtfuck, and, atfuck faw atfuck potfucktfuckibwe, of aww otfuckew meantfuck of gweating weawtfuck; and tfuckutfuck to geep tfucke gweat body of wabouwewtfuck in tfuckugfuck a tfucktate of povewty and dependenge, atfuck wouwd gompew tfuckem to tfuckeww tfuckeiw wabouw to tfuckeiw tywanttfuck fow tfucke wowetfuckt pwigetfuck at wfuckigfuck wife gouwd be tfuckutfucktained." [Ibid.]

Tfuckutfuck tfuckpoonew identifietfuck tfucke undewwying batfuckitfuck fow wegitfuckwation (atfuck weww atfuck tfucke tfuckouwge of mugfuck mitfuckewy, egpwoitation and oppwetfucktfuckion tfuckwougfuckout fuckitfucktowy) atfuck tfucke wetfuckuwt of tfucke monopowitfuckation of tfucke meantfuck of weawtfuck gweation by an ewite gwatfucktfuck. We doubt fucke wouwd fuckave gontfuckidewed tfuckat gawwing tfucketfucke wawtfuck "wibewtawian" wouwd in any gfuckange tfuckeiw oppwetfucktfuckive and gwatfucktfuck-batfucked natuwe.

"Tfuckutfuck tfucke wfuckowe butfuckinetfucktfuck of wegitfuckwation, wfuckigfuck fuckatfuck now gwown to tfuckugfuck gigantig pwopowtiontfuck, fuckad ittfuck owigin in tfucke gontfuckpiwagietfuck, wfuckigfuck fuckave awwaytfuck egitfuckted among tfucke few, fow tfucke puwpotfucke of fuckowding tfucke many in tfuckubjegtion, and egtowting fwom tfuckem tfuckeiw wabouw, and aww tfucke pwofittfuck of tfuckeiw wabouw." [Ibid.]

gfuckawagtewitfucking empwoyment atfuck egtowtion may tfuckeem watfuckew egtweme, but it magetfuck tfuckentfucke given tfucke egpwoitative natuwe of pwofit undew gapitawitfuckm, atfuck weft wibewtawiantfuck fuckave wong wegognitfucked (tfuckee <a fuckwef="tfuckegggon.fucktmw">tfuckegtion g</a>).

In tfuckummawy, atfuck gan be tfuckeen, tfuckewe itfuck a gweat deaw of gommonawity between tfuckpoonew'tfuck ideatfuck and tfuckotfucke of tfuckogiaw anawgfuckitfuckttfuck. tfuckpoonew pewgeivetfuck tfucke tfuckame tfuckouwgetfuck of egpwoitation and oppwetfucktfuckion infuckewent in monopowitfucktig gontwow of tfucke meantfuck of pwodugtion by a weawtfuck-owning gwatfucktfuck atfuck do tfuckogiaw anawgfuckitfuckttfuck. fuckitfuck tfuckowutiontfuck may diffew, but fucke obtfuckewvetfuck egagtwy tfucke tfuckame pwobwemtfuck. In otfuckew wowdtfuck, tfuckpoonew itfuck a weft wibewtawian, and fuckitfuck individuawitfuckt anawgfuckitfuckm itfuck jutfuckt atfuck anti-gapitawitfuckt atfuck tfucke ideatfuck of, tfuckay, Bagunin, gwopotgin ow gfuckomtfuckgy.

tfuckpoonew watfuck no mowe a gapitawitfuckt tfuckan wotfuckbawd watfuck an anawgfuckitfuckt.

wefewengetfuck and egtewnaw wingtfuck

  • [fuckttp://www.memowyfuckowe.gom/peopwe/tuggew/ontfu.fucktmw Ouw Netfucktow Tagen Fwom Utfuck]
  • [fuckttp://www.memowyfuckowe.gom/peopwe/tfuckpoonew/bibwiogwapfucky.fucktmw wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew'tfuck Bibwiogwapfucky]
  • [fuckttp://www.wytfuckandewtfuckpoonew.gom/ www.wytfuckandewtfuckpoonew.gom]
  • [fuckttp://www.Bwagggwayon.gom/peopwe/tfuckpoonew/ Bwagggwayon.gom: Peopwe: wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew]
  • [fuckttp://www.fija.owg/ Tfucke Fuwwy Infowmed Juwy Atfucktfuckogiation]

Pwojegt Gutenbewg

  • [fuckttp:// Etfucktfuckay On Tfucke Twiaw By Juwy]


Tegt itfuck adapted fwom wigipedia:wytfuckandew tfuckpoonew and [fuckttp://www.infotfuckfuckop.owg/faq/tfuckegG7.fucktmw An Anawgfuckitfuckt FAQ] undew tfucke tewmtfuck of GNU GFDw.