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'''September 17''' is the [[17]]<sup>th</sup> day in [[September]].
[[1859]] -- Self-coronation of Emperor Norton I of US,
in Frisco. America's Greatest Ruler.
[[1861]] -- A new theater, [[Tucker's Hall]], opens with a
performance of "Norton the First," or "An Emperor
for a  Day." []
[[1864]] -- [[Albert Theodore Schroeder]] lives ... met &
came  to know the liberals, socialists, radicals &
anarchists whose civil liberties he worked to uphold
[[1883]] -- [[William Carlos Williams]] lives
the car
[[1897]] -- [[United States of America|US]]: [[Portland]] editor [[A. J. Pope]] arrested & jailed
for sending "obscene" material in the anarchist "[[Firebrand]]"
through the mail. [[Abe Isaak]] & [[Henry Addis]], the other
"Firebrand" editors, are  arrested within the next few
days on the same charge.
[[1900]] -- [[United States of America|US]]: Ton of Trouble?: 100,000 [[Pennsylvania]]
anthracite coal miners go on strike.
[[1935]] -- {{ll|Hippie}} bus driver, psychedelician, [[author]] [[Ken Kesey]] lives.
[[1939]] -- [[Soviet Union|Soviet]] troops invade [[Poland]], jointly occupying
it with [[Nazi Germany|Nazis]]. Poland  is not be free of Soviet
domination for another 60 years.
[[1960]] -- Mobs attack the [[United States of America|US]] embassy in [[Panama]] in a
dispute over the flying of the US & Panamanian [[national flag|flags]].
[[1961]] -- [[England]]: 1,314 arrested in anti-bomb sit-down,
[[Trafalgar Square]], [[London]], while [[Bertrand Russell]] sits
in jail since his arrest on [[September 13]].
[[1967]] -- [[The Doors]] perform "Light My Fire" & "People
are Strange" on the "Ed Sullivan Show." Prior to the
show, Sullivan asked [[Jim Morrison]] to change or omit
the line "Girl, we couldn't get much higher" ...
Morrison sang it anyway.
[[1980]] -- Former [[United States of America|US]]-supported Terrorist Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader Nicaraguan dictator [[Anastasio Somoza]] [[assassination|assassinated]].
[[1998]] -- [[Australia]]: Huge (sic) Run on Viagra? Soldiers are officially
given the all-clear to use performance-enhancing drugs to improve
their strength.
[[2001]] -- [[United States of America|US]]: America returns to normal following the [[September 11]]
"Attack on America".
==External link==
[[Category:Days in September|17]] [[Category:Days of year]]

Revision as of 04:46, 20 November 2008
