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Latest revision as of 08:02, 4 June 2011

I will only say it once, any anarchist in the middle east and in north Africa, who does not comply with new development shell stay lurking in the stinking back water of history

More so and as a last warning, if the anarchists will continue to support the Palestinian national illusion, then I will have to expose their true middle class Jewish American nature To the Palestinians and Arabs I say, your task is not easy because you carry more shit than any other nation plus a bonus Nazi-Zionism All the Moslems and Jews and Christians and nationalists and capitalist are less than juliano Khamis so imagine where I stand Facebook = Faecuis book

The primitive Palestinian society, not because of the occupation but because of their Islam. The execution of Juliano Khamis by the nationalist Islamic Palestinians, indicate the rotten nature of Palestinian society.

One day soon I will enter Gaza and Jenin and do what I have to do, change the demo-political map of Palestinian topology. What is Israel did not want to do, I will, eradicates Hamas from Palestinian society

Both the Jews and the Moslems wanted Juliano Khamis dead The Mossad and the CIA wanted Juliano Khamis Dead too, but why not let stupid Palestinians do the dirty job for us All those who wanted Juliano Khamis out of their way, they will be out my way too, but unlike Juliano I am unreachable and I am not a pacifist. They can kill a defenseless person but I can bury whole organizations and states Killing Juliano Khamis by a Palestinian is suicide for Palestine If I survived the Mossad and the CIA then Hamas and Jihad is a small change The revolution came from Europe to the Arabs not the other way around First they killed Juliano Khamis then I killed Hamas I will not resume my meta-theoretical activity until I destroy Hamas To totally destroy Hamas will take me less than one year And without the aid of NATO or the Zionist army So now we all realize how desperate was Hamas to kill Juliano Khamis, desperate enough to antgonise the only one who can annihilate them with the least of violence I was born fighting the Zionists, all my life and my parents life, but from a month and half ago I started fighting some of the Palestinian too Hamas cannot kill me, because I am not an actor or an artist, I am the most experienced urban warier alive, not even the Shabak and the CIA can now do much but watch, they have tried numerously to neutralize me but always failed, so you really think that a bunch of bearded Moslems can. The killer of Juliano is on the ran but those who sent him are glued to their chairs. Palestinian Moslems are not very bright people, spontaneity I don’t think that the Spanish people will repeat the same mistakes that the Arabs did

The only difference between Juliano Khamis and Che Guevara is that Che Geuvara did not have a brother called Spartacus Anarchus Khamis

Turning my personal grief into revolutionary schism and my personal tragedy into revolutionary strategy.

Hamas is really insignificant in every possible way, if it was not to kill Juiliano Khamis, but since it did it nevertheless, they are my target for removal now. Lets bring the canons If the living are incapable of doing anything may be the dead can.

Saliba Khamis + Arna Khamis + Juliano Khamis = Deadly Power Solidarity and Assistance from the Under-Ground

It seems that the Hoodna between the PLO and Hamas is collapsing, the PLO has began arresting Hamas activist in the West-bank and Hamas arresting PLO activists in Gaza, good start.

Hamas killed Juliano Khamis because he was the best thing the Palestinians could have and will ever have, this is why he was a major threat to the underdeveloped Islamists Only a civil war in Palestine will force Israel back to the 1967 borders. United we fall alone we stand

They killed Juliano Khamis as they slaughter a sheep, just like that, no arrests, no investigation, absolutely nothing but a totally suspicious silence. Because of this I will be dedicating the next eleven months for the destruction of Hamas and similar cults in the region.

Every month of my operation is equivalent to a year’s accomplishment, the methods or weapons that will be used for the dismantlement of Hamas and similar ilk are three.

They needed five bullets to kill Julaino Khamis I need only tree bullets to kill Hamas.

Bullet – 1

Tactical Subversion - which means, subverting the brainwashed Moslem mind by a metamorphic conversion to anarchism, as I have done so many times before.

Bullet – 2

Strategic Rupture – which means the isolation of Hamas leaders from their own supporters and inducing severe rupture and resentment between the cadre and its leadership.

Bullet – 3

Cyber Anti-Nationalist & Anti- Islamic Blitz Don’t you see that something is wrong in this world the Arabs are in crisis like capitalism – good morning Tunis

We don’t want any communist party We are against Marx Lenin Mao and Trotsky We are for Bakunin and Kropotkin The limits of Marx and dialectical materialism CHE IS A CLICHÉ Marxism is opium for the people, even Marx said I am not a Marxist Arabs like titles they are still very primitive The north African reforms is about Tunisians shop keepers and the unemployed who want the American dream in post colonial style The only reason the Tunisian communist party has woken up it is because he was illegal all this time and out of date All the Arabs are out of date The best the Arabs can do is a nationalist Bolshevik nationalism

A bloody Nazi social democracy

All the Arabs are Zionist but they don’t know that, that is why Israel and America are always winning Suites and ties are only signs of capitalism dear Over institutionalized Arab passé lefT Put a lavatory paper in the ballot box I may have spelling mistakes but you suffer from a pathological nemesis This page has become an Arab public lavatory All the Arab politics is a politics of prostituting Female circumcision of Islamic Nahda in the 21st century

Lets start the vengeance The bigger the lie the more it is repeated Stop bemoaning and start acting Attack first talk late

Arabs need another 30 years of development to get out of the outdated party politics crap Most of the people on facebook are very poor people, they barely have enough to pay for their facebook computation How many of you have extra money to spare Hamas is my enemy like Zion and the USA

My main priority now is to destroy Hamas and for the first time in my life I found myself in an agreement with my two other enemies, Israel and the USA

I will shortly tell you my plan on how to dismantle Hamas and the Palestinian Jihad and ruin its leadership

I think that the most revolutionary thing you can do at this stage is tell the Arabs the truth, so they want deceit themselves or deceits others politically that is.

100% Anti-Moslem 100% Anti-Christian 100% Anti-Judaism 100% Anti-Nationalism 100% Anti-Hierarchy Arabs cannot even do revolutions why should they What should Arabs really do is smokes hash and shut up for while and learn The Arabs of the modern middle ages The Palestinians are hopeless pathetic tragedy and Israel is Nazi entity The Arabs are premature childish oppressed like all victim crap what have you, and the Jews are an ugly and nasty bunch of humanity The red necks Americans are nothing but white and black Nazis Arabs you are a making a big jokes out of yourselves, with your liberal bourgeois rubbish in front of history You can cheat yourselves all the time by make believe but not all the people are Arabs and not all are so naïve and infantile as you are, and the Tunisian have started nothing but the repeat of the capitalist viscous circle The facebook is a Zionist creation to delude the Arabs So look at the Arabs how they use a capitalist facebook application like whores without restraints The Arabs are so genius as they treat their women All Arabs Moslems should only do one thing 7AJ Kill Juliano Khamis and then 7aJ and then chop the clitoris of your daughters Arabic democracy means Islamic harem sex The Arabs still live in the past and they believe they are leading a revolution, funny If I was an Arab I would have committed suicide which is the only thing they know They die by the thousands ,like flies and achieve nothing at all, typical Arabism Israeli and Palestinian fascism

I am Juliano Khamis eldest brother, compensation is not enough for this fascism

10 days of every month I work so I can pay rent to my landlord and another 10 days to pay for food at my shop lord, that is slavery in modern times, I do not work for me, all my life I work only for them so they just keep me enslaved but at least alive. It is better to be a live slave than a dead one, may be one day the slave will revolt. I don’t see any revolutions in the Arab world all I see is only changing bourgeois governments

The Arab people don’t know really much about what is a revolution but they know a lot about the constitution and voting both which are anti-revolutionary bourgeois institutions. Urban guerilla warier Amerikkkka will fall this decade Days before the execution of Juliano Khamis Soon I will give a live talk on the facebook about my brothers assassination and expose the reasons and who was behind his killing and its humble impact on the whole world especially on the Palestinian Israeli conflict. What you have heard up until now is all before the killing of Juliano Khamis.

The organization that killed Julaino Khamis must die too (one day before the killing of Juliano Khamis) – part-1\\

THE REVENGE OF LOVE We will kill the killers One day before the killing of Juliano Khamis – part - 3 The miserable reproduction of everyday life Party political fetishism Commoditized alienated subjects They kill you and walk in your funeral The only way to speak to those behind the killing of Juliano Khamis is with bullets as they understand Not Intifada will liberate Palestine but Anarchifada 100 % Moslem Palestinian artist civilian serial killer Catch the killer or lose the remaining of your land The solution is a civil war – a revolution between the religious nationalist capitalists and the individualist anarcho-communists Tell them what is a revolution all about – in history there was and will be only one revolution to be or not be free. I have 10.000 pages on my profile, your computer will collapse even before you could reach the the mid-term pages, all should be read as the bible and as the Koran and as Des Capital Etc, etc, It will take a life time to read all this.

But Juliano Khamis decided to Stay at the Freedom theatre in Jenin despite the threats on his life, the PLO gave him a false sense of protection. Juliano also felt that by leaving it would be seen as a sign weakness and fear and surrender to the threats, so he stayed and was slaughtered. And the Saga Continues

It is better to retreat sometimes than end up dead – pride kills – I refuse to enter the Palestinian territories because if Juliano Khamis was killed after 15 years of activity there I will be killed after 15 minutes for just uttering few sentences in Arabic of course.

Israel and Palestine are nothing but a Jewish and Moslem gatherings here, each fighting for the same mythological temple, they are all settlers, there is no Jewish or Palestinian land as there is no red Indian or Armenian land.

Jewish Zionism and Palestinian nationalism are one and the same thing, just the one is occupied by the other and could have been the other way round. Palestinian Islamite like Jewish maniacs must be expelled from either societies, they kill because they are desperate by their own subhuman believes and should be forcibly kicked out from amongst us.

Mahmood Zahar and his Hamas sect gave the order to kill Juliano because his son was killed in an Israeli air raid in 2009. But why kill an actor who full heartedly support the Palestinians, because Hamas is getting extremely desperate, so desperate as to start killing his own supporters as final organizational suicide

Juliano was the son of a revolutionary communist parents now deceased, who both died in every mysterious and suspicious circumstances in the same year, but till now very little proof available to publicly expose these whole killings, I am the sole survivor of this in advance condemned to death family.

So for the killing of Juliano Khmais Hamas must be punished, and it will we punished as you will see shortly on the news. As a movement and a party Hamas will be dismantled, not by Israel but the popular comities of Gaza and the Western bank, this is what the third Intifada is all about, to stop Islamic orthodox influence on Palestinian society that deserve much better than Islamic primitiveness.

According to my prognostication Haneya the president of Gaza and the wheelchair pusher of bombed Ahamd Yaseen the founder of Hamas will be killed by a coming new Israeli air raid on the headquarter of Hamas in few months time. Mishaal, the chairman of Hamas has to run away from Syria to Bahrain soon and from there he will be killed in a mysterious accident.

As to the Palestinian Jihad Ramadan Shallah a similar fait is awaiting him in the coming months and that is only the starter.

To achieve these goals I have to provoke a new artificial conflict between Hamas and Israel and let my enemies do the dirty job for me. As to the Hamas and Jihad leadership in the West bank they are completely insignificant to any decision making.

Hamas leaders are very cowardice, they pretend to fight Israel but in reality all they want is to stay in power at any cost even if they have to assassinate an artist for this. They have done nothing against Israel but strengthen it.

The only thing Hamas did against Israel after the withdrawal of Sharon from Gaza is to throw amateur rockets that don’t hurt a fly. Thousands of them were sent to Israel without causing even the slightest injury or damage, 99% of these flying pipes fell in remote areas. But to assassinate solidarity activists they very good at it, what a cowardice. That’s what happens when a liberation movement becomes a ruling government.

Some sectors in Palestinian “society” spoke in bullets towards Juliano Khamis, so as a retaliation I shell speak to them in their own language but with ten time more force and for each bullet that penetrated Juliano’s body (7) , 4 leaders from Hamas will be disposed off and 3 from the Palestinian Jihad will vanish.

When I finish my personal account with Hamas and Jihad I will turn my attention again to Tunis – Egypt – Libya – Syria – Yemen – Spain – Greece – etc to presume the global social revolution. Let the Middle East stay in violence until the arrival of the anarchist revolution – 15 – 5 – 2012 – the killing of Juliano Khamis is a declaration of war by the reactionaries on the revolution, and so be it. A permanent war against a permanent revolution until the arrival of the anarchic revolution to the region. Let the enemies kill one another, let the people kill one another or die, because there is nothing worthy of killing or dying for.

Keep Hamas to rule Gaza and the Israelis to increase their Nazi Jewish settlements, let the Moslem pray to Allah and add more brainwash and ignorance to a bleeding humanity. These people understand only the language of force and death so lets give them a taste from their own cooking. There is no solution to the Arab Israeli conflict without a non-authoritarian communist revolutions in all the area.

Capitalism and the state cause all the human mayhem that is taking place. Of course we want people to be free and especially the Palestinians, to be free from Israeli occupation, but that’s about it. We are against Hamas and the PLO who represent no one but themselves in the name of all and we are against the Israeli state and the up coming Palestinian virtual state.

The killing of Juliano Khmais by Hamas and Jihad changes everything. The Palestinians can unite their reactionary forces as much as they want with no effect what so ever on the ground. Without the crushing of Hamas and Jihad the joint killers of Juliano Khamis the Palestinian people will stay as it is now and worst.

Those who gave the order to kill Juliano Khamis don’t have much brains, then did not take into consideration that the impact of their decision will operate on themselves first and on the whole region second. But that’s their problem now and the only choice left for them is or to be killed or commit suicide.

The most dangerous enemy of the Palestinians even more than the Zionists is found and lives amongst them, they have to vomit the Hamas and the Jihad out their system if they want to defeat Israel and become free unlike the Zionists and Islamists.

Arab revolutionaries confuse and mix comprehensions, like the opposition between freedom and bourgeois party politics, they don’t distinguish between liberty and governance, between hierarchy and power, in short one big historical mess and you see the result of this in the outcome of their “revolutions”. So I sincerely recommend to them to learn more about anarchist theory and stop using corrupt politics and institutional capitalist ideologies to achieve their impossible ends.

Arab revolutionaries must know that all the laws are capitalist and all the states are the enemy of its people, and that the army is the other police and that voting is only good for the rich ruler and that democracy is the biggest lie of modern time.

So Hamas and the jihad together killed Juliano Khamis, so until they prove otherwise they will be attacked fiercely on the ground and in cyber space, they will be under constant attack until they either collapse or prove that it is not them who ordered Juliano’s killing. But knowing their perverted mentality they will not do anything, so they will have to be eliminated from the Palestinian future political scene.

Moslems are the biggest traitors of the revolutions of the Arab world, they don’t have consciousness, easily bought and easily sold. These semi-conscious Moslems are dangerous and be ware of them, the enemy within, they cause more damage to the Arabs more than the USA and Imperialism, they slow the development of the Arab people everywhere.

The Palestinians must start cleansing their house from all the reactionary elements found in Arabic world, if they want to be revolutionaries and not just nationalists they have to get rid of Hamas and Jihad first of all.. what I say to Hamas is that it was a big mistake for you and your company to kill Juliano Khamis, it is too big for you and overwhelming. Never do something that you cannot handle the consequences, you caused something that will finish you as a back clash, buts that’s your problem now, die or commit suicide.

Hamas & Co by killing Juliano Khamis have condemned themselves to oblivion. If Juliano was an officer of the Israeli army caught in Jenin like say Egal Shaleet they would not touch him, they want to stay in power and do not want to face another major Israeli retaliation, so cowardly they killed the only person available that will not bring any retaliation from no one beside me. That how their resistance against Israel looks now - to kill an artist, a very heroic deed indeed.

Hamas killed Julaino Khamis because it wants to recognize the right of Israel to exist soon so it can keep sharing power with the PLO. This patriotic act of Killing Juliano is going to cost Hamas and Co their banishment from Palestinian society. Hamas and Jihad don’t want really Palestine, that’s the pretension, but what they really want is to rule the land at any cost, they want to govern irregardless of the situation. Hamas is a fake enemy of Israel, that’s is why it had to kill juliano Khamis, to show its people that it is still resisting, it is afraid now to send little kids to blow themselves up inside Israel, that is too costly now for them, they want to rule now and not fight.

Hamas wants to win the next election and not to fight Israel, so by killing Juliano Khamis it is telling its people that it is doing something, killing anyone they can reach and there aren’t many. That is why the border between Gaza and Israel is very peaceful, even Israel is happy with the conduct of Hams lately. In short Israel is a viscous occupying state but Hamas is not less viscous not against Israel but against its youth and friends.