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It's the time of year where people are boarding planes, trains and automobiles to visit family and friends. Flying this time of year is stressful enough with all the new security guidelines, but for transgender people, it can be especially so. When trans people begin to transition to their new gender, the photo on their license may not look like them anymore or the gender on their I.D. may not represent how they look on the outside. Getting through security can be an extra hassle. With all this in mind, the National Center for Transgender Equality has released Air Travel Tips for Transgender People. Among the tips, do not pay cash for your ticket or buy a one-way ticket, which is a red flag for security personnel.

you may view or download this pdf file from The National Center for Transgender Equality

See also[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL Susan's Place Transgender Wiki article: Air_travel SPTW