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Abolition of capitalism

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Abolition of capitalism

Logic – Backing up – Stocked – Bothered – Crazy – Anarchy

We are discussing the best method for abolition the flaws of all systems in here and now. Welcome to the meta-system.

Thanks for your positive attitude, naïve standpoint, what is this, romantic utopianism. I was born in the arena and I broke free, what we need is not more confidence but more revolutionaries. The end of god, capital and the state Only anarchy will prevail

I agree with all you say, just leave human nature out of this, lets stay with total power corrupts totally.

Look my friend, you can only criticise what I write and that is all you can do, others and time will be the judges of everything.

As to your reaction to my article, it all shows that some people need more time and process to comprehend all that necessary for the total transformation of social relations. Stop thinking as a consumer pity egoist for a while and see the wider version of life, capitalism is alienation and you are still alienated. My revolutionary task is to increase your consciousness and provide you with the knowledge you need to topple the governance system and on how to destroy hierarchy and capitalism. Being cynical will not help you either, but what will really help you is an anarcho-revolutionary theory for socio-global insurrection for practical equal material freedoms.