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Money/Tax Presention

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Anarchism proposes breaking the control hiearchy (We "accomplish more without hiearchy"). The primary (and most parasitic) tool/fuel of the control hierarchy (that is sadly becoming full-spectrum) today is the private creation of money (and debt). Therefore, for anarchism it is absolutely vital to understand how money works and how it should work to allow anarchists' goals.

Please argue, discuss, contradict as you like, but do not delete this.

Prepare a multimedia presentation to educate the public about the fraudulent

and what can be done about it

Presentation draft

Exported to multiple formats as a test. No narration yet (html and swf will allow audio narration):

EDITABLE Formats: If openoffice is available, please edit the ".odp" and export to .ppt as well. With MS-office, use the ppt.

Take note of your edits. Always mention anything you delete. Better yet, instead of deleting, just mark the page: "MARKED FOR DELETION" and move to the end. This way vandalism or unintentional losses can be avoided. We will trash these before narration and "release"

OLD: (for historical reasons / to avoid vandalism )

Please contribute !!! Add your ideas, drawings, text, corrections, charts, links, references, criticism. Do not hate the media, be part of it.


  • how monetary system works, how money is created
  • the ultimate power of income from the interest on unescapable debt
  • concentration of wealth: causes and how to fix
    • market economy (contributes to concentration of wealth to some extent, this is well known and admitted, even overemphasized. Some regulation can be useful, but heavy regulation is not the way to go)
    • monetary system: concentrates wealth, but it should NOT
    • tax system: concentrates wealth, but it should actually dispense wealth to balance the natural market effects
  • the nonsensical tax system. Instead of the benefit of social wellbeing and environment's health, optimized to concentrate wealth
  • what can be done about it ?
    • seigniorage reform
    • tax changes
    • money can be issued for public benefit, even without the help of government (using hi-tech to trade commodities or issue fiat money as public benefit)
  • Traps
    • nationalizing banks (or everything) trap ! (also not good)
    • other things commonly used to divert attention
  • technology: how to get information over to a broad audience
    • format
    • style
    • psychological walls
    • firewalls
    • filters
  • how to fight mass-manipulation
    • get back control over what information is received
    • technology to defeat censorship
    • system of signed referrals. A distributed search system, prioritization according to one's own preferences : reputation systems

Target format(s)

  • flash .swf presentation with audio narration. Relatively compact, still very convenient. Proposed to be the primary format
  • very compact powerpoint presentation: only text instead of audio narration
  • video (mpeg / divx4, whatever). Not so compact, but can be burnt to DVD or broadcasted via TV

Narrators WANTED

  • English (separate USA and UK justified or not ?)
  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • etc...


ADDED to presentation:

  • foreword: you will hear things that likely contradict with what you believed earlier
    • People resist information that they don't want to think about, because if they did it would create cognitive dissonance (conflict with earlier beliefs), and perhaps require them to act in ways that depart from their comfortable habits.
    • We recommend verifying the basics, thinking about the logical consequences and comparing them to reality. It is certainly easier to resist new information, but one must finally face the facts. The sooner the easier. Plus, doing anything about it might be much more difficult later.
    • You probably realized there is something deeply wrong in politics and economics that poisons society, resulting in environment and social damage. It threatens and breaks jobs, families, lives and security.
    • Time to investigate things that seemed to be "self-evident" earlier.
    • Do that now ! Don't fear the consequences. Things will just be better if we, think about these, than if we continue on our false assumptions

ADDED (MF_1e slide 18/19) Is Gold a reasonable choice?

It is very important to explain why gold is a bad idea for several reasons.

What is the "advantage of gold" ?

  • gold exists in limited quantity

Note that we actually like that most of our money transactions are convenient, electronic. So gold, for most of the time, would just "back up" electronic tokens.

  • is gold needed to make sure the amount of electronic tokens stay limited ? No. Verifiability of total money supply is what we need.
  • is gold useful in making sure the amount of electronic tokens stay within given bounds ?
    • No. Banks could easily show a certain amount of gold that match their circulating tokens ("deposits"). But how can we know the gold is not the same that other 13 banks would show ? It would be necessary that independent auditors audit ALL banks at the same time. Clearly impossible and open for corruption.

If tokens have a serial number, from a published range (for each denomination), than it is easy to see that a token is invalid (outside range). To see the money supply, one just needs to add up the number ranges for each bank, easy with a computer.

Digging up gold from the ground (with environment damaging technology) just to have something limited that limits the amount of electronic tokens (that's what "backing up" means) is plain stupid.

  • making the tokens redeemable for gold does NOT help in that. The fractional reserve fraud started exactly with this, and people again and again bought the idea without understanding the main point.
    • also, it is very unlikely that they would actually allow redeeming for physical gold
  • but even if they allow redemption for gold, we will face another fraud:
    • gold market is cornered
    • the big players (the private Money Masters who own the FED state banks) acquired most of the gold. FED created money out of nothing since 1913 and loaned to the US government. Than the US lost its gold as collateral to FED.
    • in most countries, central banks leased gold, without doubt to the companies of Money Masters. Central banks do NOT report the amount of physical gold they have. They report the amount of physical gold PLUS the amount of leased gold. This means the central banks count leased gold, that is paper demand, as physical gold. Paper that demands some private companies to bring back golds. Is it wise to assume they will surrender the gold ? Isn't it more reasonable to assume the company will go bankrupt and the gold will disappear under the table ?
    • many insisted for an independent audit of Fort Knox. But Fort Knox hasn't been audited by independent parties for 50+ years. Do you really think there is significant amount of gold in Fort Knox ? Even if there is, it is now private, belongs to the private owners of the Federal Reserve.

So gold standard would mean

  • more environment damage
  • no immunity to fractional reserve fraud
  • an immense claim of the holders of gold, the Money Masters (FED owners) to the not-yet-their property. If they had 20% of the production infrastructure of the world in 1913, 70-80% in 2007, 85-90% after the stock-market collapse (when many will have to sell much of their shares at a lower price, so they can continue paying their debtto the Money Masters), 88-95% after the hostile takeovers that follow if they can maintain a few years depression by shrinking the money supply.

Will they be able to buy up the remaining few percent with the highly monetized gold ? Why don't we just give them all our property and give in ?

See also