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bio-accumulation of environmental toxins and poisons occurs in animals at the top of the food chain

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  1. Fish are at the top of the food chain in the ocean / river, and accululate Mercury, PCBs, Dioxins, DDT and Lead (Carcinogens). Mercury can lead to heart attacks, madness. Fish oils concentrate these pollutants.

Human problems include Cancers, Kidney Damage, Nervous Disorders, Impaired Mental Development, Foetal Damage and some of these substances can be passed on in Breast Milk.

  1. Mercury in the marine environment of the US by 1.5% each year since 1970.
  2. Shellfish feed by filtering nutrients from the environment, and act as perfect bio-accumulators for toxins.



References for the Arguments[edit]

  3. Ref needed here

References for the Objections[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL Vegan Wikia article: Bio-Accumulation_of_environmental_toxins_and_poisons_occurs_in_animals_(at_the_top_of_the_food_chain) Veg