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Template talk:Infobox Person

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  • User:joel.davis my re-creation of this template seems stalled by the problems I'm experiencing with HTML tidy, is there anyone that can help me with this?
try now, User:Millosh has upgraded the software now.  ~ User:Beta_M (VolodyA! V Anarhist) Talk 2007 December 31 09:59 (UTC)
Still a no-go, however I got to looking at it and noticed that the templates on wikipedia use an extension called which enables the use of the #if statements. I am curious as to whether or not this extension comes standard with the wikimedia software or if it's something that would have to be added/installed. At any rate I think I will try my best to write my own template the best I can and just update the wikipedia imports as they come in, it will still be easier than Template:Infobox Person not existing at all, but it's not really a "solution" as much as a "workaround" so if you or someone else could get back to me on "parserfunctions" that would be super. ~ User:joel.davis 13 Jan 2007