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October 21

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October 21 or the Festival of Parlor Shamanism is the 21st day of October.


1894 -- French Guyana: Tonite a prison revolt breaks out, organised by the quite large group of French anarchists imprisoned there.

1909 -- In a Free Speech fight, Emma Goldman loses in the "City of Brotherly Love".

1920 -- Italy: About 25 delegates of the Unione Sindicale Italiana (USI, a syndicalist union 300,000 strong), meeting at Bologna, are all arrested.

1920 -- Spain: Cenetista Ramón Jaume Mateu is attacked by "Pistoleros del Libre" (right wing assassins supported by anti-labor business & the Catholic Church). Attacks such as these against militant workers are common during this period.

1921 -- Massive demonstrations all over Europe in support of Sacco & Vanzetti. In Paris 10,000 police & 18,000 soldiers attempt to control the crowds.

1929 -- US: Ursula LeGuin lives, Berkeley, California. Science fiction/fantasy novelist, activist, anarchist.

1939 -- France: Serge Livrozet lives, Toulon. A burglar sent to prison numerous times who became an anarchist & writer who, after meeting Biker Michel Foucault, formed the "Comités d'Action des Prisonniers". Livrozet wrote a dozen books involving the world of prison life.

1954 -- US: No Pinko Shorts? Indiana State Athletic Commission rules boxers & wrestlers must swear, under oath, that they are not Communists.

1967 -- US: Yippies, Diggers, anarchists & other high priests meet in Washington DC for "Exorcism of the Pentagon" to rid the world of the global evil spirit virus infecting all who work there.

1992 -- Anton Ciliga, philosopher/Left Communist, anarchist sympathizer, dies.

1994 -- Anarchy in the UK 94 - London festival TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD The biggest anarchist festival with over 500 events throughout, Oct 21- 30th.

1994 -- Seattle Spoonster, Artis the Spoonman, plays the Fillmore.

2000 -- Netherlands: Second Anarchistische Boekenmarkt, Utrecht. Inspired by the annual Bookfair in London.

2006 -- England: 26th Anarchist Bookfair, London. Largest & most important regular gathering of anarchists in the world. 80 stalls through four rooms.

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