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Capitalism As Terrorism And The World Anarchic Movement

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The absence of courage needs organization. The world anarchic movement in its embryo. Network of publications + bookstores + anarchist households + squats ≠ style anarchism. Subculture = rituals + symbols of rebellion ≠ Internet > fashion anarchism – eccentric post-modern philosophers + punks + black block + class war and class peace – the anti-globalization movement and professors of all sorts, affinity, etc,

1) Alienation and moderation of the well to do anarchists of the western world. 2) The poor anarchists impossible conditioning. 3) The role of computers in anarchic compensation and reformism.

We have nothing to loose but the terror and hidden chains of capitalism.

1) The terror of the state and its laws. 2) The terror of capitalist economy. 3) The terror of class, order and psychiatry.

a) Academic terrorism. b) Military & police terrorism. c) Juridical terrorism. d) Bureaucratic terrorism. e) Ideological terrorism.

A – State terrorism equal justice. B – Group / individual terrorism equal terrorism. C - The terror of politicians and scientists. D – The eco-terror of capitalist industrialists and technologists. E – The terror of education, authority and organization.

Capitalism is permanent war and terrorism, permanent exploitation and devastation all over the world. All this armament business is made and produced solely to kill and with its aid rule the planet.

1 – The terror of the media and entertainment. 2 - The terror of work and sport. 3 – The terror of the family and the foreigner. 4 –The terror of the rich against the poor. 5 – The new terror of the new world order.

Genuine anarchists are here to stay whilst capitalists their years are numbered, they are living on borrowed time now. Capitalism is bad for the rest of humanity, a disaster of colossal proportion; capitalism is irreversible infinite damage. Most people suffer terribly under capitalism, masses of impoverished people, masses of poor and billions of sufferings. Anarchists will prevail while capitalist will vanish forever from humanity but without forgetting their years of terror-profit reign. Capitalism means 6-million rich/ruler compare to 6-billion poor and often hungry. How many poor people can become rich under capitalism, very few and why, because of laws that protects the rich hegemony. Anarchists are the natural representatives of humanity whilst capitalists represent only selfishness, lust and greed. They call it ambition and motivation but in reality it means profiteering and exploiting the people and the planet. Anarchists will show the way out of this capitalist mess, guide the way to a better and materialistically free world whilst capitalists destroy all of us and themselves and the whole world. The empire must fall and with it goes political economy. Does life has to be like this, all against all always, unless one quickly finds a common terroristic enemy. Can you really live happily and freely under contemporary conditions? Can you achieve worthwhile pleasure and creativity in this survival of the fittest hysteria by wasting our lives on the pursuit of an illusionary wealth and power? The capitalist desperate need for a permanent accumulation is a compensation for the loss of real self worth and being good with the people. Was the need for survival created by the ruling minority to keep us dependent upon them and enslaved. Well, time has changed but the capitalist system remains and the question is for how long it is going to spend gasping its last breath. I hope to see it end and disappear in my lifetime. Then and there the anarchic era begins and the new humanity starts its anarcho-creative liberation. When capitalism starts to loose it always resorts to terrorism as a last resort. All the capitalists of the world, beside their lust for money and power, have no real and genuine pleasures or happiness. People hate the rich because the majority of the rich are mean and nasty. Then rich are unhappy because the majority of the population despises them; politicians and business bosses have a similar fate. They are incapable of loving and therefore never receive love even from their families. Thus they bye their affections with property, money and commodity. We know everything about them and they know little about us, how intentionally lucky. We know how they live and on what the spend their money and about their low life of course. We know how they feel about the world and the people and how they relate to one another, we also know exactly how the rich mind works, why they think what they think, naturally very bad thoughts and the outcome is always tragic and unnecessary bloody. We know how they see and treat the rest of the world, with a big stick and a small carrot but we also know what anarchists can finally achieve in the coming anarcho-revolutionary future, which means now and after.

Democratic terrorism