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what anarchism is not

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Does the Anarchist Cookbook really have anything to do with anarchism? Is there such a thing as anarcho-capitalism? Fortunately for anarchists, there is no central committee or theory coordinator to decide what the correct anarchist line is on any given topic. Anarchism is very much defined and given form by its supporters. But there comes a time when the concept must be defended against those who would lie about it, misrepresent it, profit from it, or just plain not understand it. That is the purpose of this page. The anarchist movement is a big tent with a great many sideshows, but there are just some folks who are not circus performers.

National Anarchists and Third Positionists

Be aware that there are efforts underway to fuse nationalist, white supremacist, and neo-nazi ideology with anarchism. While anarchists are fundamentally against fascism, nationalism, racism, and white supremacy, we can't control those who make up shit to appear to be like normal anarchists. The following websites represent attempts by neo-nazis to pass themselves and their ideas off as compatible with anarchism:

The Anarchist Cookbook


Most anarchists who have heard this term think it is an oxymoron. The anarchist movement has a tradition dating back over a hundred years of opposition to capitalism.

This new concept, "anarcho-capitalism" as it's called by its proponents, flies in the face of this history. It is probably better described as "libertarian capitalism," which is similar to extropianism and contemporary party libertarianism in the United States. These are the folks who want to liberate themselves from government, but still want to be your boss.

Criticism of "anarcho-capitalism"

"Anarcho-capitalist" Websites

Fake anarchism from boss-loving rich white boys who have never had to work a shitty job in their lives.


Individualist anarchists have occasionally claimed that communist anarchism is a false form of anarchism.

  • Benjamin Tucker called it "pseudo-anarchism." (Labor and Its Pay)
  • Henry Appleton said: "All Communism, under whatever guise, is the natural enemy of Anarchism, and a Communist sailing under the flag of Anarchism is as false a figure as could be invented." (''Anarchism, True and False)
  • Victor Yarros says there is "no logical justification, no rational explanation, and no "scientific" reasoning has been, is, will be, or can be advanced in defence of that unimaginable impossibility, Communistic Anarchism." (A Princely Paradox)

These individuals believe anarchism is only truly possible if private property is permitted.

People who mistakenly believe that anarchy is about blowing shit up

Anarchy as an Attitude / Just plain confused

Some folks think that if they present themselves as anarchists, it lends them an aura of coolness, danger, hipness, or radicalness.

Hacking sites

Commerical Sites

  • Anarchy Entertainment - These guys have been online for some time. They design games and use their hip "anarchist" theme to sell them. Pretty offensive. These guys are so "rad."


--A site mostly for hackers. Not as bad as most fake anarchy sites, but still very misleading nonetheless. They should rename themselves "" or something like that.

Fake Libertarian Sites

Yep, there are a bunch of folks in the United States who just don't have clue about what being a libertarian is about. They'd like the world to think that it means freedom from constraint so they can make profits. Not.

Pages like this one

(a.k.a. Anarchy for Anybody) : Similar to the "Fake Anarchists" site.

This page's info last updated: December 25, 2004