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how to become a vegetarian

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NOTE: This article is still in elementary stage.


The purpose of this article is to give health and diet information for people who have decided to become vegeterian. This page is meant to be as neutral as possible. For a discussion of reasons to become a vegeterian, see Why become a vegetarian. If you are unsure about the possibility of leading a healthy vegetarian lifestyle, see Vegetarians can be healthy

Getting Started[edit]

So, you have decided to become vegetarian. It would be unwise to change your diet completely overnight without considering its effect on your health.

Do some medical tests[edit]

The first thing to do is go to your family doctor, tell him (or her) about your decision, and require some basic blood tests. Relevant blood tests should include:

  • B12
  • what else?

If any of your blood tests imply a certain defficiency or problem, you may need to take care of this problem consulting a physician.

Construct a suitable diet[edit]



B12 (also known as Cobalamin) is a vitamin needed by the human body mainly for the proper conversion of proteins and fats into energy.


Today it is believed that B12 cannot be acquired from plant sources. A major problem exists in determining the real amount of the vitamin in different kinds of foods. This is due to the presence of pseudo-B12 substances - substances that pass the standard B12 tests performed in the laboratory, but which the human body cannot absorb.


Since naturally vegetarian food cannot be relied on as a source of B12, it is usually recommended to receive the vitamin through fortified foods, like cereals. Another option is taking a supplement (usually one pill daily under the tongue).

Intoxication level of B12 is very low. Currently there is no data about the exact upper limit of B12 daily consumption, but it is known to be well above the DRI. As a result, most supplements contain very high quantities of B12 (typically 1000 μg). However, actual B12 absorbtion is thought to be much lower.

The DRI values for B12 are given in the following table:

Gender Age Value [μg/day]
Male and Female 9−13 1.8
Male and Female Above 14 2.4
Female:Pregnancy 2.6
Female:Lactation 2.8



Iron is an element essential for the human body in the performance of various tasks including cellular respiration, and participation in the building of hemoglobine. There are two types of iron in nutrition: Heme iron and non-heme iron.

Problem: Heme iron exists only in meat. Non-heme iron is absrobed less effictively.

Solutions: Vegetarians should eat types of foods rich with iron. This is especially true for women in the ages of 25-50. However, caution should be taken as iron may become toxic, if uptake is too high. One should avoid uptaking more than 45 mg of iron daily.


External Links[edit]

Wikipedia vegetarian nutrition article

Some good recipes[edit]

Category:Vegetarian recipes a list of some good vegetarian

See also[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL Vegetarian Wikia article: a vegetarian Becoming a vegetarian Veg