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The People's United Community

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The People's United Community (TPUC) is a British non-political group,and maintains a news website, and stages public talks around the UK.


"The People's United Community is community of free-thinking individuals who have seen through the illusion(s) created by a hierarchichal political sysytem which supports the few (ruling world elites) and the expense of the many. TPUC reconises the role that the Mainstream Media plays in 'selling' the illusion, en mass, to the people and works to educate people as to the nature of the illusion and the mechanisms by which it is maintained.

Made up largely (though by no means exclusively) of anarchist, TPUC cannot be described as an 'organisation' as such, rather it is a collection of free-thinking indiviuals who share information and ideas and who stand against the ever-growing, ever-present. police state, the post-democratic New World Order, the overbearing, undemocratic European Union, the illegal invasion and occupations of sovereign nations, etc. As such it is felt by many of the members, that funding such things by way of taxes is, in itself illegal, and most certainly against the best interests of the people.

TPUC, along with other free-thinkers such as 'freemen on the land' seek to opt out of the current arbitrary political system which fraudulently keep us all enslaved by means of the socio-economic structures, mind-control through education and mass media, and an ever growing police state and the ever present, all pervasive Common Purpose, and to create alternative systems which work FOR the people and in harmony with nature.

The People's United Community urges its supporters to act within the law, or be engaged in lawful rebellion and encourages independent citizen journalism and investigative reporting of those corrupt, greedy, lying puppets in power. It does not support or align itself with any of the existing mainstream political parties believing them to be controlled agents of the Rothschild zionist Israel, and believe that the UK is close to reaching a point of irretrievable crisis in terms of its democratic process. TPUC will not partake in this scam of democracy and put up candidates in the UK election fiasco.

As such it is felt by many of the members, that funding such things by way of taxes is, in itself illegal, and most certainly against the best interests of the people."


Forum discussion has at times turned to advice on how to beat parking tickets and debts such as bank loans, credit cards and council tax [1][2][3]

External links


  1. Forum Post by member Darren :: Council Tax Fun on avoiding debts
  2. Forum Post by member mrcrisp ;; Penalty Charge Notice given - Ignored my notice! a typical example of a vexatious notice attempting to avoid paying a fine
  3. Forum Post by member CheekyCherub :: Template for rebutting your Council Tax
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