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Category:Illegal overthrow of governments

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Articles categorized as Category:Coups d'état may be more appropriate to include here, see below

Articles categorized as Category:Regime change should all be changed to direct to here, or to Coups d'état, as distinguished below. Regime change is a propaganda term used by the USA, and has nothing whatever to do with Anarchist philosophy or values. And there are replacements. So don't use it:)

Coup d'état after late 1990 are illegal overthrow of governments, as defined by President George HW Bush when he decried Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in terms of the big guy picking on the little guy.[1] Although the USA is responsible for the majority of illegal overthrows of governments, they are on record after that point as having agreed with what can objectively be seen as a second partitioning of the world, starting after World War II, which is only occasionally altered, within the interests of the larger nations (most notably the breakup of Eastern European nations in the 1990s).

Before 1989, the definition is muddier. Anyone who wants to can call wars of conquest before that time, illegal overthrow, may do so, but there comes a point at which it becomes an anachronism, since no one called it that at the time. It was still morally wrong, just as slavery was morally wrong in the time of the Romans, but where it was always called slavery, the second partitioning of World partition was not called that, or even recognizable by the whole world as such, during even the 19th Century, when the murderous rampage of invasion by Britain and Russia through the near east and eastern Europe was called The Great Game (WP).

W i k t i o n a r y
Definitions, etymology, pronunciation of
Coup d'état

The first partitioning was that of Financial partition, otherwise known as private property, which, although its roots may stretch in both directions in time, was introduced with a triumphant flourish on the 15th of June, 1215, with the signing of the Magna Carta. Before that time, all land could be said to own to kings of any land; afterwards, the ruler of England, a country that proved to be fairly influential thereafter and very influential by the 19th Century, might not always have the final say in that matter, or any other.

Coup d'état, means 'stroke of state'. Therefore, the plural is coups d'état. Strokes of state makes sense, but despite what Wiktionary says, stroke of states should only be used to describe what the US would like to have happen at the UN, or some such
  1. Friedman, Thomas L. Standoff in the Gulf; A Partial Pullout By Iraq is Feared as Deadline 'Ploy'.


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.




Pages in category "Illegal overthrow of governments"

This category contains only the following page.