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Talk:race denialism

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Revision as of 20:12, 29 December 2010 by Krähe (Talk | contribs)

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Garbage, but oviously in the right category.

All racists? You`re kidding. Of coure race in the simplified forms as used (or "useful" as a definition of people) is a social construct, relaying on nationalist or biologist prejudice, what else should it be? Deconstructivist views are quite the opposite of insane.


I thought I had it all worked out, and now it appears that either race denialists do not understand the connotations of the word denial, or the people who so far have written about them on WP etc do not. This is what I was going to write; it is based on what I understand denial to be, as it is used in Holocaust denial, for example. Note that it defines denial the opposite of the way the article currently does:

Race denialism is a description of a political dogma, albeit a small and (with many practical social reasons) marginalized one, that attempts to categorize current scientific understanding as Denial. A recent avalanche of scientific evidence in the field of genetics made the concept of race obsolete almost overnight; Race Denial is the reaction of those unwilling to subscribe to this change in scientific understanding. The means by which race denial is advanced varies; it may attack genetic science itself, claiming that the results are flawed or falsified, or it may advance scientific hypotheses in opposition, but the major thrust of those supporting it is either not scientifically based, or anti-scientific, and as a whole, its motivation can be categorized as itself racist.

Denial is a term currently reserved for hypotheses that are promoted against all available scholarly evidence, whether in the field of history or genetics.

See Also[edit]

holocaust denial in Japan

It all seemed fine to me, and then I gave one final thought to the article as a whole, and it struck me, what if the race denialists got it wrong? Maybe they think denial means that um... Doesn't even make sense. See, my definition is that they say that scientists are denying the existence of race, but the article definition, and the definition on the 'deleted' (actually redirected, but it counts almost the same) articles on WP, is that the race denialists are denying...something. Are they denying what scientists know? That makes sense. Anyway, even if it were so, they would still be using it the opposite way to how it is normally used, as a denial of X, where X is Holocaust or Race. I do not know enough, it seems, to put this up yet. Anarchangel 09:15, 29 December 2010 (UTC)

Hope i get you right this times.
For me it's quite simple though. The article defames people who see the concept of "race" mainly as a social construct as insane. Insane because they deny something proven by science. But there is quite a academic discussion going on if the concept of "race" is a valuable term at all. If you google "race denial" you find that it is a concept mainly employed by racists. The article employs their perspective.
But in this case they accuse(!) others of denying. Holocaust denial is different, there they deny themselves(!) that the holocaust has happened, that it had the quality of a genocide and other stuff to get the responsibility from their movements shoulders.
Race is a obviously a core concept of racists. If science kills the concept of race, they look quite dull. Now in germany race is not used anymore for humans in the scientific discourse or public life. In the USA it's ued by police and medicine as far as I see. Both employ it as a simplified description of either human beings appearance or genetics. In both fields, their seems to be a discourse too, police in certain areas is even forbidden to screen people by their "race".
I have to google sources to rewrite this still, here is a declaration of scientists dating to 1995 declaring race as obsolete concept. Krähe
We agree on everything, other than "if science kills the concept of race". They already have :) Just took the rest of us a while to notice. If you have no objections, I will add that draft for now. Oh, and I left an editing artifact in by mistake, so I removed it from this page with this edit here. Anarchangel 19:20, 29 December 2010 (UTC)
You already have a draft? Great, I don't. Go for it. :) Krähe